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Fairytails are just as True

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Fairytails are just as True

Post  SPAZZ911 Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:28 pm

Name: Kasey
Age: 32
Race: Human
Eye color: Amber
Hair color/Length: light red, long and held back in a ponytail.
Skin color: tanned
Personality: quiet, strong. Kasey was born and raised as a knight and a hero but he has a surprisingly kind side to him.
Other: Personal tutor to Esare's princess.

Name: Ellona Tornell
Age: 17
Race: human
Eye color: Silver blue
Hair color/Length: Blonde, chin length bob-cut
Skin color: lightly tanned
Personality: out-going and stubborn. Ellona is not your average princess. Rather than eddicut and poise, She learned how to defend and fight like a prince.
Other: Princess. Betrothed to another knight in training named Seirra.

Name: Seirra Hoplin
Age: 19
Race: human
Eye color: Dark Blue
Hair color/Length: Blonde, kept short with slightly longer bangs
Skin color: Tanned
Personality: Goofy. Seirra tried to lighten any situation with humor, intentional or not. But he knows when to be serious when the time calls for it.
Other: betrothed to Princess Ellona. Only son out of 10 children.

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  Razzylin Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:46 am

Name: Nina Hallins
Age: 24 years
Race: human
Eye Color: green
Hair Color/length: very black, looks almost like a really dark blue, mid-back length
Personality: Very headstrong unless around her father or people who are well associated with him (she is very much a daddy's girl). When around him she tries to be more feminine and the ideal daughter.
Other: Higher nobility. Often sneaks off to secretly participate in army drills.

Name: Ji Lin
Age: estimated early 50s
Race: human (although some people wonder)
Eye Color: very very light blue, almost gray
Hair Color/length: black, turning gray in spots. short
Personality: Somewhat of a loner. Does his job and keeps quiet usually, doesn't let on how much he really knows about the world.
Other: foreigner, blacksmith. Master of his country's martial arts.

Name:n Kallen Hallins
Age: 45
Race: human
Eye Color: brown
hair Color: light brown, short and neat
Personality: <update soon>
Other: Higher nobleman

Last edited by Razzylin on Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:46 pm

Another Tuesday, another hand to hand combat session. This week, Princess Ellona and Squire Seirra were leading off the demonstration while Kasey stood off to the side to observe as the instructor.

It was somewhat awkward to see the lanky blonde standing in a fighting position and facing the petite princess who was also in a fighting position, though hers was definitely the stranger of the two.

Seirra's fighting stance had his arms in front of him defensively with a wide stance with his knees apart and his feet directly under his knees.

Ellona's stance wasn't quite at wide given her short stature. Both her feet were facing away from Seirra with her front-most leg bent in slightly. Both her arms were held out in front of her, her hands in fists.

"Observe the differences in their stances. To compensate for Ellona's low center of gravity, he has lowered his own, and set up a sturdy stance" Kasey stated, walking around him and showing how sturdy by gently shoving the immoble youth. "While the princess makes up for her lack of reach and strength with a stance that allows for quick reactions and dodging." He moved Ellona gently to show how stable but allowable movement was in her stance. "Can anyone tell point out flaws in their stances?"

A soldier in the front row pointed to Ellona's front knee. "Her knee is wide open and a good hit will dislocate it."

Kasey stepped out of the way. "Seirra, Your highness, show the man how to compensate and protect your blind spots."

Seirra made a lunge to attack Ellona's knee. Ellona rotated herself, moving her knee out of harms way while also giving Seirra a firm round house kick and knocking him back on his ass.

"Good." Kasey nodded, waiting for Seirra to get back up. "Can anyone point out a flaw in Seirra's stance?"

The same Soldier in front answered. "If you aim for his legs you can knock him off balance."

"Your Majesty?" Kasey stepped aside again

Ellona moved to Attack Seirra's leg, but Seirra easily evaded with a simple fencing move.

"Any thing else?" Kasey asked

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  Razzylin Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:13 pm

One 'soldier' was making sure to stay more in the middle of the crowd. They watched each movement closely, listening to the instructor diligently. Oh if she were a boy, she would be one of the better ones. Nina made sure her hood was extremely secure before calling out. "How about I try one of them out?" She asked, throwing her voice to sounds more masculine as she wove her way into the front line.

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:43 pm

"You think you could? You're a small lad." Kasey stated. "You'd have to spar with Seirra, The princess could seriously hurt a little lad like yourself"

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  Razzylin Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:52 pm

Nina hid a frown the best she could. "Fine, even though you should understand just as well as I that one never judges their opponent simply by their appearance." Nina said, stepping away from the crowd and getting into her own stance across from Seirre. Her knees were bent slightly and arms were close to her center, a simple enough stance especially when you were facing someone new.

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:17 pm

Seirra resumed his fighting stance, rolling his eyes. "I'll try not to hurt you"

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  Razzylin Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:22 pm

Nina rolled her eyes and smirked. "Thanks for the concern." She said. She crouched suddenly and swing her back leg out, spinning in a circle and knocking both his feet from the ground before going back up and swinging her arm out fluidly, aiming for his knees to make sure he went all the way down.

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:28 pm

Seirra only managed to avoid her arm by rolling out of the way. He jumped back to his feet and took a swing at her.

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  Razzylin Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:34 pm

Nina rolled to the side and up to her feet easily, a grin in place. "I'll try not to hurt you." She said, back in a stance.

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:45 pm

"Not cool" Seirra scowled. "I'm the funny guy"

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  Razzylin Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:50 pm

Nina's grin was still in place and she lunged forward, aiming a kick for his head.

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:57 pm

Seirra grabbed her ankle and lifted it up. "Never try and kick a taller opponent in the head" He grinned

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  Razzylin Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:59 pm

Nina fell back a little bit before spinning and hitting the other side of his head with her other foot and landing in a crouch.

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:04 pm

Seirra didn't so much as turn his head. "You don't kick nearly as hard as 'Lona" He stated. He started throwing punches, aiming for soft spots and pressure points.

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  Razzylin Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:14 pm

Nina dodged easily enough. Speed was something she had picked up while training with her own master. she flipped backwards a few times so there was some space between them. "You don't always have to take someone down with one blow." She said in response to his comment. The main clock began chiming and Nina nearly freaked. She crouched down and seemed to disappear for a moment before appearing behind him. She kicked him once in the legs the twice around his neck, using the knowledge and speed she had learned from Ji Lin. She used his back then as a spring board to get away. She landed and glanced back at the three before tearing off into the crowd.

Last edited by Razzylin on Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:32 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:26 pm

"He seemed to be in a hurry" Kasey commented with a raised brow.

Seirra groaned from the ground.

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  Razzylin Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:32 pm

Nina had ducked into a small vacant room with her bag and locked the door. She changed as quickly as she could and patted her hair down a bit before stuffing the extra clothes into the bag she usually put her schooling things in. She took a deep breath and peeked outside to make sure it was clear before stepping out of the room and turning to walk towards her secret exit.

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:34 pm

"Alright soldiers" Kasey's voice carried all the way from the training grounds. "You will all pair up and practice defending your openings."

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  Razzylin Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:45 pm

Nina paused after hearing the voice and felt like whining as she turned her head to look back at the training grounds. 'Well.....maybe a quick look wouldn't hurt...' she thought and turned back to the training grounds. She paused for a few moments before sticking her head around the corner of the training grounds and watched the people practicing.

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:55 pm

Kasey walked around helping the pairs and instructing them on what they were doing wrong.

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  Razzylin Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:01 pm

Nina watched until the quarter after chimes began...well, chiming before reluctantly leaving and rushing home.

A few days later her father was invited with a few other nobles to have council with their ruler. Nina happily tagged along so she could explore the palace a bit more. Kallen kissed his daughter's forehead lightly, told her not to cause too much trouble and went with the other few men who had come. Nina waited for him to round the corner before beginning her wandering around.

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:05 pm

Kasey and Princess Ellona were in the courtyard practicing swordplay. Ellona was in a dress as they fought. "Why Am I doing this again?" She asked

"You won't always fight in favorable conditions. Demons don't work on anyone's schedule." Kasey replied. "So you have to be trained to be able to fight in any conditions."

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  Razzylin Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:12 pm

Nina found a door to the outside and gladly took it, wandering out into the courtyard. She was following a wall when she heard a few grunts and yells and looked up. Two people were sparring right in the middle of the courtyard and she stopped to watch in mild fascination. 'Wonder who they are...' she thought, looking for a casual way to get closer-one that wouldn't draw much attention to her.

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Fairytails are just as True Empty Re: Fairytails are just as True

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:19 pm

"You'd better hope you don't ruin this." Ellona growled.

"That's why I told you to wear an old dress." Kasey stated, almost disarming her.

"I don't have any old dresses. I don't wear dresses" Ellona grunted, barely holding on.

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