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Limbo (an explaination)

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Limbo (an explaination) Empty Limbo (an explaination)

Post  beyachan Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:08 pm

If you die with unfinished business left to attend to, you go to Purgatory for the chance to do what you need to do before moving on to the afterlife. In this in-between world, everyone is some form of undead creature, this is supposedly to motivate the inhabitants to hurry and move on; most people are, however, too lazy to get anything done and wind up just staying.

Purgatory is essentially like Earth; it's put together entirely the same. There are the same continents and the same oceans; but there are none of the same countries. All of Purgatory is united in their inability to move on, and, once dead, no one bothers with their old patriotic loyalties anymore. The largest city in Purgatory, considered to be the capital, is called Limbo. Despite being large and prosperous, most of the buildings are in shambles and the streets are full of dust and filth. Most of the world is in the same shape, some places worse than others.

The form one takes when arriving in Purgatory is seemingly random, but falls into one of the following categories:

Ghost- Ghosts are ephemeral, semi-solid beings. Usually only people who died by violent means become ghosts. They have transparent, gray-ish blue skin, and their cause of death can be seen at all times, even through clothing (e.g. if a bullet wound is covered by a new shirt, the shirt will have a bullet wound through it so long as the ghost is wearing it.) If you were to touch a ghost, they would feel solid, but if you gave their arm a squeeze, your hand would begin to pass through them. If hit with something, the afflicted body part will disintegrate and re-solidify when the object has passed through. while doing no permanent damage, this is still very painful.

Zombie- Zombies have gray-sh green skin and are in varying states of decomposition. Some are entirely intact, while others may be missing limbs or random chunks of flesh. If the individual died by violence, or if they had a post-mortem autopsy, any cuts on their body will be visible and held together with stitches.

Skeleton- Skeletons are all or mostly bone, and they seem to have no need of muscles to move around. Some skeletons have been known to have random intact body parts, such as a normal human face, or a normally fleshed hand or foot. For some reason clothing seems to hang on them as it would if they had flesh, rather than draping over their bones; no one knows why.

Vampire- Vampires are the most seemingly normal race in Purgatory. They have pale, gray-ish skin, red eyes, and fangs, but otherwise seem completely human. They are the only race in Purgatory that still bleeds when injured.

Ghoul- Ghouls are one of two races in Purgatory that eats the souls of other undead, erasing them from existence and taking away their chance at moving on to something better.. They have paper-white skin, red eyes, cherry-red lips, rad circles on their cheeks, and double sets of fangs (their canines and the teeth immediately behind them). They very much resemble clowns.

Banshee- Banshees are the other race in Purgatory that eats souls. They have pale skin (but not the unnatural paper-white of the ghouls), fair hair, and very strange eyes. The sclera (white) of their eyes is a dark gray, the iris is white, and the pupil is white, but surrounded by a pale gray line. Their screech can break glass and send all within hearing distance to their knees, but they can also enchant others by singing. Also, when a new person arrives in Purgatory at least one, if not more, banshee will know exactly when and where they will appear. Some banshees use this trait to their advantage and will lie in wait for the new arrival and devour their soul before they have a chance to figure out what's happened to them.

Lich- Liches are a strange mixture of skeleton and ghost. They have the same transparent, blue-gray appearance of ghosts, but they are made entirely or mostly of bone. They also have no legs; they float in the air, and their body tapers off into a ghostly tail below their hips.

Poltergeist- A poltergeist is very much like a ghost. They are identical in appearance but, unlike ghosts, they are entirely solid. They also tend to have a harsher temperament than ghosts, though this is not always the case.

There is also one other race that resides in Purgatory. They are called Angels, though no one knows if that is what they truly are or not. They appear to be normal humans, but they are completely invulnerable to harm and banshees and ghouls can't eat their souls (if they even have any). They try to persuade the denizens of Purgatory to complete their unfinished business and move on, and offer to help in any way that they can.

Posts : 1661
Join date : 2010-05-15
Age : 33
Location : Ohio


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