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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:56 pm

((So... I had a plot for this, lol. And I need someone to play the other character I'll talk about in just a second for me, of course, lol. Don't really feel like RPing with meself. Anyway, so meh character's the son of family that owns a breakfast dinner. And they're a pretty good dinner, and pretty popular in the local area, but that's not really important. So he's the son and he really doesn't mind helping out, but he's a teenager so of course he's not going to be all too enthusiastic either. The problem is that his dad won't let him work in the kitchen and cook, which is what he really wants to do. The only thing he can make is pancakes, and he does a really good job at making banana pancakes; hence the title. What he really wants to do is be the cook, but his dad has hired this other dude, and this ticks off the son mostly. And so the boy gets annoyed with this guy that's come in and can cook good and has the job the boy wants.
So basically I kind of wanted to do an RP about this; and yes, I do want the cook and the boy to end up together... eventually. So I need somebody to RP the chef character. If anyone is interested please just post or PM or whatever. I guess it's first come first serve, not that I think anyone will be racing to be first, lol. <- My uber pathetic plot. So there you have it! : D : D : D...))

Name: August (short for Augusto, which he hates) D'Arco
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 5 '7"
Weight: 132
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Mocha
Skin Color: Mid-Darker/Tanned Skin
Pic: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Male_models
Race: Human
Personality: Just a normal, average teen in a normal, average family, just waiting to be done with high school and move out. He has some ideas about where he wants to go in life and what he wants to do, but he's still a bit unsure. He can get mean and angry at times, (like most boys his age do), but usually doesn't get into any fights (that are serious), and stays out of trouble to the best of his ability. He likes hanging out with his friends, but lately it's been kind of awkward for him because of what he's been feeling, which is making him question himself and become a little more introverted. He's usually a nice person, but doesn't like to be put down, and has strong feelings of annoyance towards the chef
Other: Has two older brothers, two older sisters, and one younger brother. Both older brothers and sister are graduated and have jobs. Three of them commute to the city, and help the family run the dinner. One of the sisters has married and gone off to live in Italy with her husband. The younger brother is 7 years old and fairly shy, so August usually ends up looking after him. (He's very brotherly to his younger brother. ^~^)
Origin: Italian (Even if his picture doesn't look like he's Italian, lol)- His parents are both Italian, although he and all of his siblings were born in the US. They don't really keep up the tradition, although his parents still do speak the language. They're older parents and have really assimilated to America, so they've kind of changed their customs and such.

Posts : 38
Join date : 2010-09-19
Age : 30
Location : At Dennys, of course!!!


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:20 am

Name: Victor Darcy
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 145
Eye Color: Toxic Green
Hair Color: Midnight Black
Skin Color: Light tan
Pic: (Will be added after drawn)
Race: Human
Other Info: A bit stuck up but all over a reasonable guy. He is the oldest son of a fairly rich family, though he dosn't like others to know it, and can sometimes be a jerk without thinking. He tries his best to be friendly even though he tends to have an unearned sense of pride in himself. He rarely eats anything he does not make himself, always paranoid about his health, he exercises daily. The only reason he works at the dinner is because his father wants him to learn the value of a dollar the right way. Though he dosn't seem to mind much and even enjoys his work, thinking it's a good chance to have other people around, being an only child. His father and mother are fairly distant people, but they do their best to raise their son right even with their busy schedules. Victor's father running the business while his mother is a social butterfly and loves to throw parties.
Origin: Victor isn't really sure of where his family comes from. Knowing his grandfather was the first to enter America by boat and that the may have come from Germany or Russia. Neither showing any obvious answer because of the lack of documentation, though on his mother's side he could trace the famiy back to the Mayflower and even find traces of American Indian in his blood line.


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Wed Sep 22, 2010 1:31 pm

August changed into appropriate clothes in a back room that could be opened by a cold, gray door. The chill of the conditioned room in a basement like fix followed him even as he walked away, hovering on his clothing fabric and delving into the buttons. He was heading towards the front of the dinner to start his job, and thinking about the amount the amount of sleep he was missing out on. He was kind of in a bad mood at the moment. He'd been okay before, but work just kind of put him out of it. It wasn't that he disliked working, well, not all that much, it was just one certain factor that really got him going. And that, was Victor Darcy. Victor was one of those people August really couldn't be around without going insane. The first being that Victor had taken the one and only job August wanted but his dad wouldn't let him do, nor teach him; and the fact that Victor seemed like some rich kid who liked having things being done his way. This wasn't so annoying as the fact that August just really couldn't stand him, and he really had no reasons other than this.
"August!" his dad's voice was calling for him, and August flinched, because he happened to be standing right behind his dad at the moment and his dad hadn't noticed him yet.
"What?" he growled, rubbing at his ear, trying to get some hearing back into them.
"Eccolo! Eccolo!"
He shoved a tray full of warm and spicy smelling breakfast dishes in August's arms. "Fine...whatever..." August muttered, passing by the kitchen where he caught a glimpse of Victor working away. He huffed, putting on a slight smile so as to keep the dinner atmosphere good and delivered the food to the table.

(Translation- Eccolo: Here you go.)

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Join date : 2010-09-19
Age : 30
Location : At Dennys, of course!!!


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Thu Sep 23, 2010 3:20 am

Victor yawned and grumbled softly under his breath. Each exhale reaking of spearmint, having not even been awake when he had gotten ready, only just getting used to the morning schedule. He glanced at August as he past and shook his head. He didn't have anything personal against the guy but he got the vibe he wasn't wanted around there. Not that he could blame the guy a bit. He was butting into a family opperation and he knew it wasn't his place. He just had to make some spare cash. He shrugged it off and continued to work, actually quite content working in the kitchen, he had always enjoyed cooking. Now that he wasn't just cooking for himself it made things even more fun for him. The only complaint he had was the heat coming off of every cooking device in the kitchen, leaving an almost steamy heat during the busier times of day. Leaving him to thank any god above or below that he didn't have to wear a hair net, his hair too short to really have the headware make any effect.
He heard the voices outside the kitchen and picked up the pace. Sending out omlets and hashbrowns at fairly impressive speeds. Doing his best to keep up with the smaller morning crowd. Slipping the finished orders out to be picked up before rushing to continue on the next. His eyes peeking out every once and a while to watch August. Having to stop once he nearly singed one of his fingers on a hot pan, frowning as his distraction continued, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand. The man having to supress a yawn as he set out another plate to be taken out.


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:47 am

August sighed, watching the food pile up as the people did. It was usually like this though, so busy on weekend mornings. People coming out with their families or lovers to eat at a good and fairly priced dinner. And it's not that he minded people that much, sometimes striking up odd conversations with them when he delivered their food. No, it probably wasn't as bad as he made it out to be. Only kind of suckish because he was tired...and Victor was there.
But tiredness didn't stop the costumers from coming in and his dad rushing him. Every time he passed the kitchen he was sure to pass a glare at Victor when the man wasn't looking in his direction, wishing that he really could bore holes in Victor's back with his eyes. Wouldn't that be something? He couldn't though, but the thought was nice at times.
Even though the pace picked up, his tiredness did not go away. He wondered why he was so tired, and upon thinking this he found himself being rammed into by someone. This caused him to drop the cup he was carrying, watching as the hot coffee exploded over his shoes, whip cream pooling the floor, and the cup crack and chip all over the place. He hissed and cursed under his breath.
"Everybody watch out," he said, checking to see if anyone else besides himself had gotten attacked by the coffee, or the glass. They seemed fine, pushing their chairs out of the way. His mother appeared almost out of nowhere with a broom and pan, his sister with stuff to clean up the coffee.
"Go get yourself cleaned up," his mother said, giving him a small smile.
He thanked her and headed back to the kitchen, wanting to get off the shoes that really hadn't provided much protection, seeing as how they were absorbing the coffee. "Stupid shoes," he muttered.

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Join date : 2010-09-19
Age : 30
Location : At Dennys, of course!!!


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:02 am

Victor arched a brow at the noise. Trying to get a look at what was going on through the window. Grumbleing to himself, just hoping no one had dropped a full plate or it would be a pain in the ass to remake. He continued to send out order after order intill August walked in, smirking smuggly at the boy's appearence. "Hey there. Did you actually drop somthing!?" He commented in mock suprise. Chuckleing to himself as he shook his head. "Though it is the first time i've heard of you dropping anything." He shrugged, keeping up with the orders as he was talking. The distraction slowing his pace only slightly. Actually feeling bad for the guy, he could tell he wasn't liked very much, but other then that there wasn't a reason for him to be unpleasent. He just could help but speak his mind at times, even if his mind had nothing nice to say for him. Though once he figured what he said wouldn't make August like him any more then he already did he looked over to the younger man. "You gona be okay? You seem kind of out of it." He sent out another order, getting to work on the next. Trying to be honestly kind to the other man, even though he felt it would be pointless in the end.


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:54 pm

Shuffling over to the back, long steel counter where the sinks were, August pulled himself up onto it, sitting down for his legs to hang off. He couldn't take off his pants just there in the kitchen, unfortunately, so decided in just rolling up the coffee soaked legs. He slipped off his shoes, watching them clatter to the floor, then peeled off the now washed brown colored socks. He grimaced, tossing those to the ground as well.
His feet were tinted red from the burning liquid, but he supposed they'd live. They were also partially sticky from the coffee. He would need to wash them off and probably locate a new pair of pants, socks, and shoes. It wouldn't be any good to just put them back on, stained and dirty and all.
He heard something vaguely breaking his thoughts. Had Victor just made some remark about his klutziness? This angered August a bit. He knew he'd dropped the cup and all, but it wasn't like it happened all the time, so Victor didn't need to say anything about it. Part of him grew defensive as he glared at Victor, wishing the guy wasn't such a jerk.
He was so wrapped up in the rant inside his head and being angry at Victor that for a moment he hadn't even heard anything anyone was saying to him. When he did realize that Victor had just said something, he lifted his eyes from his feet and glanced at Victor. "What?" he asked, confused.

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Age : 30
Location : At Dennys, of course!!!


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Sun Sep 26, 2010 6:31 am

Victor had taken a small break in the orders to move closer to August. Looking more then a small bit worried at the boy's silence and lack of returning insults. "Are you okay? You seem a bit out of it." He cracked a fairly charming smile, the expression coming naturally to him, able to play the role of the gentleman at the drop of a hat. "If you don't have spare clothes I have some in my duffle bag....I'm not sure if it would fit you quite as well but it would be better then being a sticky mess. Though the coffee smell is nice." He chuckled, making an honest attempt to be friendly, or at least to get the younger male to laugh a bit. The cook honestly concerned wether August would notice or believe it or not. He couldn't help but smile a bit though, a small smug part in the back of his mind lableing the boy as an airhead, but unable to keep himself from thinking it was cute. Blinking in suprise at his own thoughts, only suprised at who he was thinking about, not the thoughts themselves. He went to an all boy's school damn it, he was more then secure about his sexuality, just not that secure as to say his thoughts out loud to August. On the off chance the younger man would actually get angry and get himself hurt.


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Sun Sep 26, 2010 1:19 pm

August kept his head down, but let his eyes look up at Victor through his lashes. He actually made himself listen this time to what Victor was saying and was a bit shocked that he was concerned about whether he was okay or not. Of course, it could all just be an act and a lie, August would never really know or not. Yet going so far as to offer him a new set of clothing... Even though the comment about smelling like coffee was a little off, and August had to frown a bit to think about it. He didn't know why Victor would even bother trying to talk with him or even try being nice to him. Didn't August always show in his glares and aversions how much he disliked Victor? And not just Victor himself, but what Victor had taken from him. The chance to cook? It agitated August very much, but yet, how was Victor to know he'd done such a thing? It wasn't like August had really expressed to anyone that he wanted to cook, well, besides his dad, and he was turned down. It wasn't like Victor had taken the job knowing.
He looked back down at his feet and wriggled his toes a bit. He bit his lip, but kept his state guarded as he peeked back up at Victor. "Uh... yeah... could I er, borrow some clothes?" he asked slowly, cringing inwardly. Of all the people he could be asking for clothes it had to be Victor. He drew his attention back to his toes and wriggled them once again, that way he wouldn't have to look up at Victor.

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Join date : 2010-09-19
Age : 30
Location : At Dennys, of course!!!


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:27 am

Victor nodded calmly. Looking back to check if he would be too badly missed. Noticing that there really weren't many orders at all and that the people could wait. Since obviously they wouldn't be able to get anything till August was cleaned up. He took the younger man by the arm, his touch staying gentle and fairly kind overall. Really wanting the boy's feelings about him to soften to somthing a little less hateful seeming. Leading the man over to his duffle bag, digging through the old red sports bag for only a moment before pulling out a pair of reasonable looking black pants, and a pair of normal white socks. "I hope these will work for you fine. I know the pants may be a bit big on you...It's the best I got though." He gave a small quirk of a smile, not sure if he would get an equaly pleasent response, not expecting much from the guy that seemed to dislike him for little reason.
He jumpped when he heard people yelling a bit for their orders to be filled. Ruffleing August's hair playfully before rushing to get back to work. Not wanting to get in trouble when it was an easy job compared to the other things he could be stuck doing. Knowing that his only other chances were working for his dad, the family's company not in the safest areas of work, the Darcy family having odd connections in bad places. So he continued to quickly cook up the orders, glancing to make sure August was alright every once and a while. Just slightly worried the poor guy's luck would get worse and he would hurt himself trying to put on clothes. The idea actually making the brunette snicker quietly to himself as he flipped a couple pancakes into a plate and shoved them to be taken to the waiting customers.


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:28 am

August took the clothes, not meeting Victor's eyes as he gave a small "Thanks." He folded the clothes up on the counter, then hopped up himself, swinging his legs into the large sink. He ran cool water over them, cooling them down, and then washed off the coffee to the best of his ability. Having done that, August then quickly dried off his legs. He scrambled down, knowing he needed to get back to work quickly, seeing an onrush on orders coming in. He needed to be careful too, though. He didn't want another incident to happen.
Shuffling into a backroom barefooted with the clothes, he changed quickly. He grimaced, re-entering the kitchen and looking down at himself. Victor was still cooking away, and hadn't noticed him yet. The pants, like he'd said, were a little too big for August. They reached the floor, and August had his shirt tucked in, hoping to God they wouldn't fall off his waist. He wished that he had a belt. Surprisingly, though, the shoes fit well. They were comfortable.
It took a moment of staring at himself for August to realize that he was wearing Victor's clothes. And although the situation made him a bit angry, another odd emotion crept it, one he could not describe all too well. It sent a strange rush through his stomach. He felt his cheeks heat up warmly with a flush, then shook his head, as if to shake away the thoughts. It only seemed to make him dizzy, unfortunately.
He didn't have much more time to think, though, because he needed to get back to work.
He grabbed a few trays then headed out into the throng of people, this time making sure to pay more attention, and not spill any more coffee.

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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:02 am

Victor smiled softly as he saw August get back to work. A small part of him commenting to himself that the younger man looked cute in the oversized pants, a slightly larger part saying that August looked cute anyway. Of course when the thoughts became too distracting he shooed them away to get back to work. Only taking short breaks between orders to watch the boy work. Trying to understand what exactly he was feeling for August before the next round of orders seperated him from his thoughts.
As the day grew later he figured that he could just try to get to know August better. Hopefully his feelings would sort themselves out in time and maybe if he was lucky it would get the younger to hate him slightly less. His smile grew as he started planning out what he would say to August. Wondering if it would make the man mad if he asked him out for coffee. The idea making Victor chuckle to himself at the irony or whatever it was. He forced himself out of his thoughts again before he burnt another order. Sighing as he knew he would have to figure somthing out before he endangered his job by daydreaming.


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:09 pm

So far and so good; the pants had not fallen down. He was nearing the end of his shift as things were winding down, which made it easier to leave knowing that the rest of his family wouldn't be bombarded with a million people and he wouldn't just be abandoning them. He had to admit sometimes he stayed longer and helped out just because of the random mob of people that sometimes showed up at the oddest of times, but since it was so quiet and empty he could slip out without feeling guilty or anything.
The one problem he'd had was the slight feeling that somebody was looking at him as he worked... Well, more like two somebodies, which was even stranger. One of them wasn't as strong and only slightly lingered, sometimes disappearing from time to time. He figured this was just his family members keeping updates on him as he worked, and he was fine with that. But the other one was more piercing, and every time he got a shiver running up and down his spine. And each time he looked around for the source all he could see were innocent costumers filling their empty stomachs with coffee and food. He shook it off by the time his shift was rounding up, trying to shove off the nagging feeling that someone was still watching. He'd be out of here soon enough anyway.
Now came the other problem. He didn't know what to do about the clothes. He needed them, so he guessed he should just wear them home and give them back the next time he came to work, but he didn't know if that was alright with Victor. He didn't really want to talk to him or even face him, but he didn't want to just leave either. Escaping from the watcher, he slipped into the kitchen to find Victor.
"Um... hey Victor," he said, trying not to sound mad or anything. Here Victor was, in the very place that August wanted to be. It wasn't fair... it wasn't Victor's fault either... He was a bit confused on how he should be feeling. "Uh... I'll give you... your clothes the next time I see you, right?" Why was he asking? That wasn't supposed to be a question. Gah, he was screwing up on this. He could really never have a proper conversation with Victor now that he thought about it. His words always got lost or jumbled. "Is that okay?" he continued. "Because... I kind of need them at the moment...yeah." He bit his bottom lip, staring down at the pants and shoes Victor had really so kindly lent him.

(The second stare isn't from Victor if you're wondering... I don't know why I put it in there, 'cause I can? Lol. I didn't plan on going really anywhere with it, but I dunno how you feel about it... creepy stalker people are sometimes fun in RPs? Lol. Anyway, lemme know what you think.)

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Join date : 2010-09-19
Age : 30
Location : At Dennys, of course!!!


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:29 am

Victor was getting ready for his break anyway. Removing his apron and running his fingers through his hair to slick it back quickly. He needed to get fresh air every once and a while, the kitchen always overheated and the air always thick with the smell of food and dish soap from the sinks. Almost ready to say that he was going for a short bit to take a breather while there wasn't a crowd when August stepped in. He chuckled softly at how dorky August was. He couldn't help but think the way the boy acted was kind of cute. Wondering if the poor guy had even noticed he acted like a nervous dork. He shrugged at August's question and smiled. "Yeah, you can give them to me next time we're working together. It shouldn't be a problem." He stretched, showing off his athletic form a bit through his tshirt. He was, to a point, as vain as everyone thought he was. He liked to think of himself as a fairly attractive guy, taking even more pride in his slightly above average strength, which took more work then most thought. He watched August and smiled. "I was actually about to go out for some fresh air. I'll walk you out if you want." The offer was honest, he really wouldn't take it too personal if the guy didn't want him around, still unsure why August didn't like him very much.

(I like it actually. Victor is a pretty kick ass dude. He could show off his awesomeness infront of August. :D)


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:25 pm

(Lol. Sweet, hehe, Victor and his amazing-ness.
And now for my whacked-up-this-makes-no-sense post!!! :D)

August was glad that he didn't have to give them back now, though it was pretty stupid that he believed he would have to do so in the first place. If that made any sense. Which it sort of did in August's mind, but then again his attention was caught and dragged away by Victor stretching. Pretty quickly the thoughts he'd been contemplating, like going home, taking a shower, and pondering what he was going to do for the rest of his Saturday just dropped off into an abyss of nothing. He managed to catch himself along the fall only to realize that he was staring at Victor and his body... This made him even angrier at the fact that he was staring at Victor. Added with Victor taking the spot he wanted. Added to Victor in the spot he wanted at the exact moment. And to top it all off, Victor actually looking good in the spot that August wanted.
Oh, now he was angry.
He didn't know how to respond to Victor's offer, caught between the decision to thank Victor for the clothes once more and the anger he was feeling. But wait- Why would Victor offer to walk him out? That really was only making August have to thank him more... he didn't know... 'cause he was bothering him or something? Whatever the reason; which made him even more pissed off. He sort of glared at Victor, halfway stumbling forward, because he was also trying to go back at the same time. He kind of landed in the same spot and probably looked like a moron. "Uhhh... yeah, sure... If you want, I mean, I can't stop you from going out. You're a person too, so you've got your own rights, like everybody. But yeah, if you really want to walk me out, walk me out then, of course it's probably just because you yourself want to go out and I'm just an excuse or something..." He frowned a bit to himself. "Right."
He nodded to himself, glancing back up at Victor who probably thought that he was a freak at this point, but oh well. August was a bit thrown off. Today just wasn't his day. Between the tiredness, and dealing with an overly nice Victor, and his anger, and the coffee incident, to the clothes, to the creepy staring feelings he'd been getting, and now to this. It made his brain hurt just thinking about it all.

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Age : 30
Location : At Dennys, of course!!!


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:14 am

Victor hadn't caught wind of August watching him as he stretched. Simply enjoying the sounds and feelings of his bones popping and his muscles stretching fluidly. Being cramped up in a kitchen wasn't always fun for him since he was a bigger guy, but it was nice to stay away from customers for the most part. He was charming but the way some women looked at him made him ill. Though he never took much stock in his discomfort around the opposite gender. Taking even less stock in how he felt about the same gender, including August who had been on his mind most of the day, he was in the mater of relationships dense.
Which meant he completely didn't understand August, or why the man was angry with him of all people. He thought he was charming.
Victor couldn't help but chuckle as August talked himself into circles. Placing a hand on the boy's back to lead him out carefully. "You have such a wonderful way of not making sense. What's got you so mixed up? It's not like I'm a devil. I am pretty damn normal so I shouldn't cause you so much grief." He gave another honest and caring smile before leading August out of the kitchen through the back. "Just chill out and try to clear your head."


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:07 am

August let himself be lead out by Victor, for a moment letting his anger drop aside. He listened as Victor talked, trying his best to come up with his own answers for why he acted this way. He knew, obviously, that they were out of anger. But an idea occurred to him that he might even talk to Victor about how he really wanted to cook. Maybe Victor could even teach him a few things. But would the man even take him seriously or not? Would he just laugh at him? August didn't think his goal to become a cook was something to laugh at, but he wasn't all that great and knew that it was probably just some far off dream he'd never reach. He'd probably be waiting tables in his family restaurant for the rest of his life.
"I don't know..." he grumbled. "I know you're not the devil... you're just the cook... it's just..."
He tried to do as Victor said and clear out his head. Yet he was finding it kind of hard to clear his head with Victor's hand on his back, which for some reason was very distracting. And he was trying to chill out, but that piercing stare was back and it was digging holes into him.
By the time they got outside all August wanted to do was get home as fast as possible and away from whatever was staring at him. Maybe it was all in his head, but either way it was sending shivers up his spine and was causing him to be paranoid.
He turned to Victor. "Hey... thanks for walking me out," he said with a small, but genuine smile.
Outside he definitely felt more unprotected, more open. He glanced around himself, the paranoia getting to his head. He just needed to focus, get home, lock the doors, and then it would all be alright. Right?
"I'll be heading home now, I suppose. Sooo... see ya later."

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Age : 30
Location : At Dennys, of course!!!


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:20 am

Victor continued to politely smile, even as his eyes ran over August's form, taking the man's appearance in as he waited for an answer. Going over what he knew about the smaller boy, as well as what he thought about him himself. He soon noticed that he really hadn't tried to get to know the boy very well at all, figuring that it would just be a co-worker relationship, and that it wouldn't matter outside of work. Though the more he looked at the confused boy the more he thought that it might make things better to simply talk to him more and maybe get to know him outside of work. As he heard August start to talk again he quicky stopped his eyes from wandering quite so badly, his smile gaining a slightly more shy hint at the slight feeling he could be caught staring, even as he noticed that the younger man seemed more eager to leave.
Once August paused again in his speaking Victor's mind changed to a different subject. Taking notice that it was a bit dark out and somthing on the tip of his awareness was bothering himm telling him that somthing was severely wrong. The new thoughts and his looking around a small bit to figure out what was wrong distracting him now from the fact that he hadn't hoved his hand from it's place at the small of August's back. Even once they were safely or unsafely outside. Becoming slightly startled when August moved away from his reach. Watching the smaller man move away. "It was no problem. Though I do still have a good time for my break...I could easily walk you home if I tell your parents I'm stepping out for a bit. Of course if it's alright with you! I don't want you to think i'm a weirdo or anything, it's just getting a bit dark out. I think a storm might be on the way..." He stopped. Knowing if he continued he would only blurt out somthing stupid as an excuse. Content to try and charmingly smile the smaller boy into agreeing, the other man's sense of unnerving discomfort spreading, even though Victor didn't know what was wrong.


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:54 pm

(Sooo...sorry for that being such a late of reply, December and January have been really busy for me.
I was thinking, plot wise, and feel free to add anything or to give me any ideas of your own, that either: August will let Victor take him home; August will try to say no, but then Victor will just take him home anyway, lol. In these cases, then I'll hold off and have the stalker strike some other time. Or, August could go home by himself, and then the stalker will do his stalkee thing, and then Victor will show up like a hero in the nick of time, hehe. Or, the stalker will stalk but not do anything. Or the last idea was that the stalker will still do his attack stalker thing even with Victor walking August home. So you can decide, or you can input your own idea...

I'll just hold off replying until I get an answer... because I don't really have anything to type right now anyway, heh... And I should be doing homework at the moment.

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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:01 pm

(I like the idea of having August walking home on his own and Victor being all heroish. I was thinking August fogets or drops somthing and Victor chases after him to give it back. Ariving just in time to save the day. <3 If you want it would add a bit of dorky heartness to have August hurt his leg so Victor has to carry him home.)


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:39 am

(Ok-ey do-key! Will do.)

"No thanks," August said. Although the offer was nice, because August was feeling a bit nervous, he didn't want Victor walking him home. It would make him look weak, and it wasn't like he was some girl. He could take care of himself, he was sure. He'd been in a few sports and knew that he could run pretty well if he had to. He didn't think he would, though. Who'd want to stalk him anyway? He was some kid, still in high school, who worked at his family's restaurant. They weren't rich or anything, so there wasn't any chance at getting a lot of money. It was probably just him getting overly paranoid. "No need to do that, I'll be fine, really." August waved goodbye and headed away.

Unknown to him, about ten feet away of walking from Victor did his cell phone fall out of his pocket, hitting the concrete with a large thunk. A car rushing by drew August's attention away and he didn't notice. He looked both ways and crossed the street, heading away.

He was about half way home and he was beginning to think that Victor's comment was coming true. The weather was getting worse, clouds rolling in all gray and dark. The street he was on was poorly lit and so deserted. Not even any animals were out and it making August want to rush home even faster. Not to mention that feeling as if someone was watching him was still there. He thought that it'd go away after he left the restaurant, but it'd only gotten so much worse. He wanted to call out, ask if anyone was there. His throat was so dry he could barely speak.

He rounded the corner and stopped in his tracks. He felt his heart thump as he looked at a cat in front of him. It was staring at him as he stared at it. When he finally regained himself, letting out a shaky breath, the cat darted away quickly. August went to step forward when a hand grabbed hold of his shoulder from behind. He let out a small cry, tripping on the overly large pants. He slammed to the ground, scrapping his palms. The fall caused his foot to twist in a weird positions and his leg jerked in pain as he hit the ground. He let out another cry of, gritting his teeth as he turned to face his attacker.

The man was wearing a large coat, his hood up, so it was hard to see his face. What he could see of it was greasy hair sticking out and very dirty teeth, grinning at him. August pushed himself away, half crawling, and half pulling himself away with his hurt leg. He wouldn't be able to run anywhere with this hurt leg, but right now he was scared as hell.

"G-get away from me! What do you want?" he asked, trying to sound confident and scary.

The man came at him, grabbing a hold of August's hurt leg which made him hiss in pain. He kicked the hand away but it came back stronger, pinning him in place. He watched as the man fell towards him, practically pinning him to the ground. He struggled, looking around. He wondered why he had to be on such a deserted street, and why it was so dark. Was nobody around to help him? He thought about crying out by the man seemed to read his mind and stuffed a dirty hand over his mouth. August's shoved against him, trying to throw him off. He managed to throw a punch into this stomach, but the weight of the man on his leg was sending pain through him and making his head spin. He was so terrified he didn't know what to do. He felt trapped and helpless.

He wrenched the hand off his mouth, raking his finger nails across his attacker's face. "Get off me!" he cried with more anger.

(Sorry that was so long... I was thinking about splitting this up into two, but ended up making it one post... so here ya are! Hope it was alright.)

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Age : 30
Location : At Dennys, of course!!!


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:38 am

(I'll try to keep up the length lol wow)

Victor sighed, knowing that it was probably silly of him to have asked August to walk him home in the first place, he knew it wasn't a normal thing for a guy to ask another guy. He had really wanted to spend more time with the man but obviously he didn't want him around very much. He wasn't sure he could blame August for it since he was being kind of weird lately. A part of him still worried about the dark clouds passing over head, leaving a bad feeling in the older teen that he just couldn't quite shake off. Knowing he should have insisted a bit more on walking him home as the storm began to come closer, seeming to follow August home in his place.

He gave a shrug and stopped mid turn as he saw August's cellphone on the pavement, breaking his stride back to the resteraunt and moving carefully to the phone. Bending to pick it up he shook his head and chuckled. "I wonder if that boy would forget his head if it weren't attatched." He slipped the phone into his pocket and peeked in to yell that he would be a bit longer and that he would try to make his break as short as possible. Planing to run the phone to August, hoping to get his chance to spend some time with the younger man. With everything said he took off, long legs making short work of the distance between him and August. Skittering on corners and stumbleing on cracks in the pavement. Lucky enough to not hurt himself as he ran.

As he got closer to August he could hear the sounds of a struggle. Picking up speed and nearly tripping over the prementioned cat. Grumbleing an annoyed curse at the creature as he turned the corner to see the scene. Becoming more angered by the sight of someone attacking August then he had really expected from himself he went straight into action.

"Hey! Get off of him you asshole!" The yell was the only warning the attacker got before Victor landed a swift kick to the man's side, trying to knock him off of August. Grabbing the flithly man by his collar and slamming him up against the nearest wall, his fist tightening as he pulled back, ready to beat the man to a bloody pulp if he had to. Landing one punch before tossing August's cellphone to him, looking over at the smaller man worriedly. "August! Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he?" He was honestly worried about him and wanted to be sure before continuing to beat up the disgusting man. "Call the cops. I can keep this jackass here for as long as we need to."


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:43 pm

(LOL. I love how he tripped over the cat. That made my day. And the forgetting his head comment made me laugh. Oh, and I totally thought of a reason for why the stalker attacked him. I kind of want him to play a little bit bigger part later on, lol, 'cause he's just that creepy. Oh, and if that's alright with you.)

August was too distracted to even hear that someone else was there, but when his attacker was knocked off him, he was so relieved he thought he was going to pass out. Luckily, he didn't. He managed to calm himself down enough to see who his savior was and was utterly surprised to find that it was Victor. He had the man pinned against the wall and looked pretty angry. August sat himself up and took a deep breath. But why was Victor there? Hadn't August said he was fine walking home alone? Had Victor followed him?
As weird as the thought of having two stalkers, he didn't mind if Victor had, because he'd just saved August.
He watched as Victor landed a blow and slightly winced. It looked painful. August made a mental note never to make Victor angry at him because he didn't want that fist aimed in his direction. He was momentarily distracted that he almost didn't see his cell phone flying at him. He caught it in a clumsy sort of way and looked at it. Wait- why did Victor have his cell phone? August racked his brain and realized he must have left or dropped it back at the restaurant and that Victor had followed him to give it to him. If that was the case, then August was so glad he did drop his cell phone and that Victor had picked it up.
It took August a moment to catch what Victor was saying, but when he did he gave him a somewhat nod. "Y-yeah... I think I'm fine!" he called back, and sat up a bit more. This caused him to remember his hurt leg and he winced. "Well... I hurt my leg when I fell." He didn't think it was broken, but it might have gotten sprained and bruised.
He flipped open his phone and typed the three digits into it. After he was done reporting their location and had hung up, he looked over at Victor and tried to stand up. His leg screamed in pain and August clutched at it. It looked like he wasn't going anywhere on his own. "The police are coming," he said to Victor.
It was the most relieved he'd ever felt in life. Besides the uncomfortable pain shooting through his leg, he actually felt safe now that Victor was there. He didn't know what the man would have done if Victor hadn't shown up and he shuddered to think about it.

The attacker was angered that his chances were blown by this guy. He was so close... and now the police... He flinched and coward from the blows, but he would get his revenge. When the man was yelling to the boy he took that chance to make a break for it. Moving away as fast as he could, and clutching at his aching body.

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Join date : 2010-09-19
Age : 30
Location : At Dennys, of course!!!


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:02 pm

(It's fine, I like the idea. Plus I know how it feels to have a creepy stalker character >> lol I love him so <3)

Victor sighed in relief at the word that August was alright for the most part. Though when the man made to run away he was tempted to make chase after him, though he thought better of it and stayed at August's side. Kneeling to gently pick the smaller man up bridal style, chuckleing softly. "Good thing I came after you." He smiled and sighed softly. "I'm sorry that asshole got away, I' didn't want to leave you here hurt and on your own. You should probably call your parents and tell them what happened and that I wont be back for a while." He shrugged. "I guess we should wait for the police too, did you get a good look at the guy?"
He watched August curiously, shifting his position to carry him more comfortably for both of them. Being highly careful of the man's hurt leg, even as he looked around for a source of light to stay near, not trusting the darkness around them. Fearing the creep would come back and try to get a punch in. Letting out a soft huff as he blew a few loose strands from his face, having fallen from their slicked back position when he had beaten the stranger up. Making an annoyed grunt as it fell back infront of his face, bringing on the feeling of needing to itch your nose when you couldn't.
To try and distract himself he looked August over, trying to not be obvious that he was staring some. His eyes traveling over the younger's form, checking for any signs of harm that they had missed. His eyes moving down to the leg that was hurt, not thinking it looked too bad, or that August looked that bad either. The thought itself striking him a bit, wondering what exactly that meant as he looked back at August, still worried about him.


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:36 pm

(Haha. I just got a button-pin from my friend that says, 私 <3 ヤオイ (Watashi <3 yaoi). Lol, which I bet you can guess means I <3 yaoi. And I do, lol. It's the greatest button-pin I've ever gotten.

I just realized I got moved up to Squire! I'm so happy! ^~^ Lol... Although you're a Hero, but one day I shall be, too!
Just like August, one day he'll be a Hero as well and totally save Victor.

Every time I go to type Victor I always end up typing it like this: Civtor.)

August watched the man make a get away and was surprised Victor didn't run after him. Although he didn't want to admit to himself that he was relieved that Victor didn't. He was a little scared and didn't want to be left alone at the moment.
He looked at Victor as he came towards him and went to say something when all of the sudden he was being hoisted up, bridal style, into Victor's arms. His first reaction was to cling his arms around Victor's neck, afraid he was going to fall or be dropped. The second reaction was a blush, red, spreading across his face. He was a teenage boy, and he'd never been carried bridal style before. Wasn't it a way of carrying for a girl? Like in those princess stories. He was quite embarrassed and had to look away from Victor so he couldn't see his face.
"Y-yeah... thanks..." he breathed, nervous, and still refusing to look at Victor. He was very thankful Victor had come, but felt so awkward at the moment. "You...er..." He meant to say that Victor could put him down, but then remembered his leg. He knew that being carried was embarrassing, but as embarrassing as it was it wasn't nearly as painful as trying to walk or even stand on his leg. It was aching, a dull ache at the moment, but still one. "It's fine," he mumbled. "Um... kind of... I think if I saw him again I'd be able to recognize him. Not that I want to..." August shivered. He hoped he'd never see that man again.
August took a glance at Victor then quickly looked away. He bit his lip nervously, and made himself look at Victor again. He had to thank him properly and that meant looking him in the eye. When he turned his head though, he noticed how close they were and it made him flip out on the inside. He felt like just disappearing, it would make things easier at least... He met Victor's eyes with his own. "Thank you... Victor... If you hadn't been there I don't know what would have happened..." he trailed off, not wanting to think about it. "So thank you very much."
August noticed that Victor was trying to get a few strands from his face, and so he reached up with one hand and brushed them back, tucking them back so they wouldn't fall down again. He knew it must have been annoying to have them hanging there, and since he was holding August up he wasn't able to move them himself.

When the police showed up, which was very soon, August became even more embarrassed. The police station was close by, so August knew it wouldn't have taken that long. A few came over to him and asked him questions about the man. When he told them a few sped off in the direction that man had run. The others stayed behind, telling him that they'd already called his parents and said that his parents would be home as soon as possible and to head home now.
"We'll escort you home, make sure you're safe," one police man reassured him, glancing at Victor for a second then turning back. A policewoman motioned to them, calling to them that she'd drive the two to August's house.

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Age : 30
Location : At Dennys, of course!!!


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