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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) - Page 2 Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:41 am

(lol awesome!!)

Victor sighed softly and continued to cradle August gently in his arms, making sure the smaller man was comfy while he listened to the police become closer to their location. He smiled slightly, knowing the situation was awkward. "I'm just glad you're alright. I should have insisted on walking you home. We really lucked out this time around. Though if they dont' catch the guy I wont let you go off alone like that again." He nodded, showing he was going to be firm in his choice to keep an eye on the younger man. A part of him protective of August, wether he would admit it or not. Even unable to hide a small smirk at how the man was blushing.
He looked at August worriedly. "Just try to describe the guy...and point him out if you see him again. More so if you see him at work. I don't want that creep anywhere near you. Okay?" He smiled at the thank you and grinned more as he responded. "You're welcome August. I wouldn't leave you like that. I was worried about ya anyway. It's been plain creepy out tonight and I didn't feel right leaving you alone. The phone just made sure I got here in time." Smiling as August took care of the rogue strand for him. "Thank you."

Victor smiled as he saw the police's flashng lights getting closer. Holding onto August as he watched the boy answer the police's questions. Trying to make sure he stayed comfy and off of his foot. Going as far as helping August into the police car as carefully as he could. Even helping with his seatbelt before fastening his own. "Is your foot feeling arlight?"


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) - Page 2 Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:34 pm

(Sorry... my have been long recently. Lol... I start off with nothing to say, and I'm like, "I'll just make this short", and then it turns out being long.)

After they were in the police car, and a paramedic had slid in the front seat, they started up the car.
"It's a little better," August said, glancing out the window at the other police officers who'd stayed behind at the spot. He wondered what he parents were going to be like. Would they be freaking out and worried about him? Would his dad be disappointed that he had such a weak son who couldn't even protect himself? "It's only aching a bit now." He tried applying pressure and gritted his teeth. "Don't think I'll be walking on it anytime today, though."
When they reached the house, the paramedic examined August's foot before he was allowed out of the car. If it was broken or fractured then they'd just have to drive to the hospital. His pressed out in, turning it this way and that. After a lot of "ouch"-es from August, the man finally finished his examination.
"Well, it looks like you've managed to sprain both your knee cap and your ankle. There seems to be a lot of bruising, swelling, and tenderness. I recommend you move it as little as possible for now and get some rest. You'll need to put ice, or a cold compress if you have have one, on your knee and ankle, in increments. Twenty minutes of icing, ten minutes off. Do this about three of four times, then have somebody wrap it. Lastly, you'll most likely be wanting some ibuprofen for the pain." The guy gave a quick smile at him. "You're lucky nothing's broken."
August nodded. He'd never broken a bone before, but thought it would be painful. Spraining his knee and ankle was already bad enough.
"Let's get you into the house, now," the paramedic said. "If you'd like to help me get him to the house, young man," he said, motioning to Victor.
August looked up the flight of stairs to his porch and wondered how they were going to get him up that without tumbling back down. "I... uh... I'll just stay right here," he said, looking warily at the stairs, then down to his leg. His pants, or rather, Victor's pants, were rolled up, but he could see that they were dirty from being all over the ground. He would need to change once he was inside, if he was able to.

Posts : 38
Join date : 2010-09-19
Age : 30
Location : At Dennys, of course!!!


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) - Page 2 Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:08 am

(It's not you, mine have been a bit short. I'm just feeling a bit off from usual. Feeling sick and all that stupidness. :p))

Victor nodded and sighed. "I doubt you'll be working for a while then. Though you could probably go on crutches for a little while. It would keep you from hurting your leg more and you could get around some. I've broken my leg at least twice and it will drive you crazy to sit around for so long." He chuckled, trying to lighten August's mood, though it was true, he did tend to get injured when he was younger, always getting into trouble with people at school or doing some sort of stupid stunt. It had only made him stronger in the long run though, which showed in how he acted and treated others.
Once the medic checked August over Victor had an odd look on his face. "How exactly can you sprain a kneecap? It dosn't rightly make sense to me." He stopped, remembering somthing minor. "Oh, since I know you and your parents will need some time to talk and freek out about what happened why don't I get you some of those reusable ice packs. Just to make up for not being able to stop the guy from running off like that ya know." He smiled nerviously, really feeling bad for the guy getting away like he did. Looking to the medic he chuckled. "I can handle getting him into the house. If I can stand there like a dork waiting for the cops to show up I can carry him about anywhere." He grinned, removing his own seatbelt and helping August with his. Moving to lift August carefully again, ignoring August's comment on staying. "We can't leave you here, I don't think the cops want to keep driving you around till your leg gets better. Just trust me, I wouldn't hurt you after saving you like that now would i?" He winked playfully and chuckled.


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) - Page 2 Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:48 am

(I looked it up, and it is possible to sprain a knee cap. I have no idea how, though.)

August didn't particularly like the idea of sitting around, and so he probably would be wanting crutches. He thought they might still have some from when his brothers lived with them. They were always getting injuries from the sports they were playing. He smiled a bit to himself, remembering them coming home with various cuts, bruises, but both still smiling and happy, as if those cuts and bruises didn't hurt at all. He missed them, he admitted. Now the only ones who stayed around were his older sister and his younger brother.
He looked up at Victor, wondering if he was one of those guys like his brothers. He didn't think that was such a bad thing, though. "Um... sure... but they'll probably want you there to thank you," he said. Some part of him, a part that he wouldn't admit to, wanted Victor there. After what had just happened, it was kind of hard to dislike him. And August felt safe around him, like he'd be okay if Victor was around. But he couldn't rely on him forever; he'd just end up being a burden to Victor. "You don't have to, though, it wasn't your fault. I mean, you made a choice and no one can blame you. Don't feel like you have to be indebted to me just because he got away. It'll be fine, I'll be fine." He tried to reassure Victor, in some odd way.
He should have been trying to reassure himself, though, for the trip up the staircase. "No... I suppose you wouldn't," he mumbled. He leg go of the car reluctantly, letting Victor lift him up. He suddenly felt very tired, and somewhat exhausted. He'd already been tired during work, but now he just felt wiped out. The pain was lulling now, and he felt very sleepy. He rested his head in the crook of Victor's neck, hoping the older man didn't mind. Just at least until he got inside; then he just wanted to go straight to a bed or a couch. He still had to deal with his parents so he couldn't fall asleep just yet.

Posts : 38
Join date : 2010-09-19
Age : 30
Location : At Dennys, of course!!!


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) - Page 2 Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:07 am

Victor smiled widely and nodded. "There isn't anything to really thank me for though. It would have been horrable of me to leave you like that. It just wouldn't be right at all." He shook his head. "But I'll stay for a bit, then I'll rush out for a sec to grab you an ice pack. It shouldn't take long and I really want to help out. I feel bad you got hurt and I want to do all I can. Not out of feeling I owe you one but just wanting to show I'm worried about ya." He chuckled. "Is it really that weird?" He gave a quirk of a smile. "I just don't feel quite right with that jerk around, I don't want you to get hurt worse ya know?"
He knew that the trip up the stairs would be a bit unnerving. Giving August his slight version of a carrying hug. Adding in an encourageing smile. "I wont drop you. I swear I wont." He nodded and chuckled. Silenceing as August snuggled up and relaxed, smiling. Carrying him carefully inside and with the help of one of the police officers, got him in carefully. He smiled to August's parents politely, gently setting the smaller boy on the couch next to them.


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) - Page 2 Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Hibiscus Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:20 pm

"They'll find a way to argue that, I'm sure. I mean, you could have not picked up my cell phone at all."
August let out a big yawn and kept his eyes from looking back or towards the ground. He tried to not think about how they were ascending a staircase at the moment. He didn't realize they could be so scary. Normally walking up a staircase isn't such a big deal, but when you're being carried out you just want to find a banister to grab hold of.
Getting hurt was the least of August's problems, he felt. What would his family do, now, without an extra helper? How long would he be stuck at home? It was the weekend, and so school would be starting back up. He'd need to get crutches. He'd also need to get a ride. Perhaps from one of his friends, because he didn't think he'd be able to drive with his leg.
And he certainly wasn't going to crutch his way to school. One, that would be tiring, two, it would take too long, and three, he didn't want to go out alone at the moment. He was fine having anyone keeping him company.
One question that bothered him was why it was him? It wasn't just some street mugging, the guy had been watching him in the restaurant, too, had stalked him, he was sure of it.
He tried not to think about it too much.
When they got inside August lifted his head and kept his eyesight away from his parents as he was set down on the couch. He was surprised to find that it was his father by his side in an instant. He was spewing out both English and Italian phrases, asking if he was okay, alright, if he needed anything. He seemed really worried. His mother was almost in tears it seemed, but she went up to Victor, hugging him, thanking him, and then bursting into tears.

(Wittle daddy/son bonding moment. <3 Lol.)

Posts : 38
Join date : 2010-09-19
Age : 30
Location : At Dennys, of course!!!


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Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^) - Page 2 Empty Re: Banana Pancakes (Closed to Zombie ^~^)

Post  Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:04 am

Victor chuckled. "I don't want to be thanked a whole bunch though. I just did what any decent person should do." He shook his head and sighed. "Honestly I'm more happy you're okay then anything..well other then the leg." He gave a crookid smile. Hoping he could do more to help out August and maybe spend more time with the younger man. Though he doubted that August would want him around, even after what happened. Though he didn't want to leave August alone, knowing that creep was still on the loose and wanting to do the man harm. He just couldn't stand the thought.
Once August was safely on the couch Victor was amazed by the show of emotion. Returning the hug from August's mother carefully. Trying to be of some comfort but not used to seeing women cry like that. Having no idea what August's dad was saying half the time, not knowing a single word of italian or even a basic idea of what to expect. Blown away by how much the couple had worried about their son. Not even able to imagine his own father reacting in the slightest way to him being hurt or in danger. Though his old man was a though old bird and very vicious. It continued to amaze him as he helpped August's mother down to sit, knowing it had been a stressful night for everyone involved, and as he tried to understand what August's dad was saying he could hear the rain begin to fall, the storm starting up.


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