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Age before Beauty

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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  Guest Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:16 am

Lilla smiled. "I didn't really have it planned this way. I just thought it up as I went. Plus I was having fun making things up. So what is it? Stay here or go back home and waste gass money and time?"


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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:33 am

"I'll stay. But only if I get a lock on my door. AND you promise to knock and NOT pick the lock." Nosho frowned. "You have to promise"

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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  Guest Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:36 am

Lilla thought about it. "Okay, but I get to pick the lock on my birthday. Also i'm allowed to climb through the window if I can make it. No warning. Though it's fair cause you can be on any floor you want. There's four. If you count the attic I mean."


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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:41 am

"Deal." Nosho smirked. He held his hand out to shake. "Seal it with a handshake."

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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  Guest Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:43 am

Lilla squeeled and giggled. "Deal!" She shook his hand happily and bounced up to the door to unlock it. "Oh! I forgot to mention I'm a beast at rock climbing, this house is a piece of cake compared to the clif I scaled last summer! Want to see pics?"


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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:01 am

"Nope. Because I plan to put a lock on it." Nosho chuckled. "And glue it shut. Beat that girly." He smirked at her, crossing his arms as he followed her

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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  Guest Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:05 am

Lilla smirked. "I have no problem breaking it. Not to mention I can cut glass with a diamond. Dad gave me hunting knives for a reason. He knows I'm into more local hunting then him."


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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:22 am

"I'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But in all fair warning, I recently took up sleeping nude. So you're warned." Nosho stated. "Fair enough?"

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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  Guest Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:25 am

Lilla giggled. "When you say recent do you mean last week? or today? Cause that wont stop me from breaking into your room at night. Just be lucky i'm nicer then my daddy. I can be a lot less painful for people."


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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:40 am

"Recent as in I stopped because you were around again." Nosho grumbled. "I'll just wear pants, or boxers to bed again. Its not worth getting maimed over"

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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  Guest Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:52 am

Lilla rolled her eyes. "Like I would maim you over that. Daddy wouldn't either inless he knew I was in there with you naked. Which is just somthing you don't tell people. It's awkward and creepy."


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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:10 am

"You stalking me is both awkward and creepy." Nosho replied. "But I still find it slightly more amusing then creepy." He smiled "And I'm not stupid enough to sleep naked if I know you'll be sneaking in at some point. Now lets get this over with."

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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  Guest Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:15 am

Lilla nodded. Opening the door with ease and skipping on through to her dad's office. "Daddy! I know what I want for my birthday."

Davage could be heard grumbleing from the other side of the door. "What do you want sweetie?"

Lilla smirked a tiny bit. "I want Nosho's kidney! I have a trade and I need it."

Davage could be heard shuffleing around in his office. Opening the door to hand the jar to the young woman. "Here you go sweetheart. Be good." He kissed her forehead and ducked back into the office.


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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:18 am

"... Wow. That was surprisingly simple." Nosho stated. "So should I go in there and tell him You got me for your birthday? So He won't be surprised when he sees me around here again?"

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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  Guest Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:21 am

Lilla shook her head. "Don't. This was too easy. Simon must be in there with him. Just leave it for now. Neither of us want to see what twisted little things they like to do in there. I don't want to think about it."


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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:25 am

"Right." Nosho lifted the hem of his shirt up to his ribs and turned the correct side to her. "Now I need you to tear my side open and put the kidney in. Once its in I'll heal on my own." He stated. "And please, This is a new shirt."

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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  Guest Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:27 am

Lilla nodded. "Digging through her purse for a pair of gloves and an exacto knife. "Okay. Let's get this over with!" She giggled. Putting on the gloves before cutting Nosho open. Sticking the kidney back in without a problem. "There you go. I hope I put it in right."


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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:30 am

"It doesn't matter." Nosho stated with a raised brow. "So when did you start using gloves and a knife? You used to just use your bare hands." His gash was rapidly healing, but he kept his shirt up until all the blood was gone.

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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  Guest Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:32 am

She stuck her tongue out at him. "Well when I started doing my nails I found out blood messed with the color. Not to mention clawing my way through things isn't very lady like. So it looks better that way."


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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:34 am

"Very nice. Very proper" Nosho teased, finally putting his shirt back down. "So what is out first order of business? Am I making you a birthday cake? Are we going shopping? What?"

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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  Guest Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:38 am

Lilla rolled her eyes. "First we pick out your room. Then we'll sleep for the night. Finally getting you moved and settled in tomorrow. Then we can go shoping and make a cake."


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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:43 am

"Alright. I might as well have a room close to yours." Nosho chuckled. "Lead the way, Chibi-hime. I'll follow."

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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  Guest Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:44 am

Lilla nodded and zipped off. All the way to her wing of the mansion. "Well the rooms next to mine are closets... So is across from me alright?" She pointed to the door that was a soft cream color with a pink heart on it that was decked out in lace with a blood smear. "I moved my room over a few years ago so it's here now. You can have the room across. Inless you want to be closer, then I have to rearage a few things."


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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:48 am

Nosho looked at her door, then at the door across, whick was rather plain in comparison. "Well, I have to see how big the room is before I make any decisions. Though I do like what you've done with the creepy little lace heart."

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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

Post  Guest Sun Jun 06, 2010 3:51 am

Lilla blinked "Well actually that blood is mine. I had a bit of an accident and cut my hand a few nights back. It must have transfered." She shrugged and opened up the door to the room across from hers. The spacing being fairly nice, already having a bed and a small but nice dresser, as well as a closet, and plush power blue carpet. "What do you think?"


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Age before Beauty - Page 6 Empty Re: Age before Beauty

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