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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:23 am

Name: Professor Maple
Age: 25
Race: Human
Hair color/style: Chestnut brown, just short of shoulder-length.
Eye color: Gray-green
Skills: Making gadgets to fight dimension abnormalities, being able to endure a great amount of taint (by-product corrupting force of dimension abnormalities)
Personality: Spazzy, bitter, protective
Other: He is a professor who travels and studies dimensions, while trying to fight and fix whatever dimension abnormalities he comes across.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:31 am

Name: Pheobie
Age: 19
Race: *not quite* Human
Hair color/style: black, slightly long spiked hair with longer bangs that is Aqua tipped
Eye color: Black
Skills: causes things to change colors, basically she can control light waves. She is also great at card tricks.
Personality: Calm. Down to earth. optimistic. gets overly excited, especially when she doesn't understand.
Other: She's just a basic social outcast. She always stands out like a sore thumb but she doesn't mind. She likes to read peoples fortunes and futures.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:10 pm

Professor Maple just didn't get it. He had seen the street cat pass through the wall multiple times, and yet everytime he tried it all he got was cold brick. He swore that cat was mocking him every time it glanced at him and twitched its tail.

There must have been some sort of dimensional abnormality here, but until he knew exactly what it was he couldn't do much else about it. Of course he could just use the GS machine strapped to its wrist to make himself walk through the wall, but if there was some sort of dimensional monster or unescapable void on the other side he would like to know about it first. Just because it was okay for a cat to enter didn't mean it was okay for a human.

Oh well, that was enough of that for the moment. Maybe he would think of something while eating some ice cream. The abnormality was annoying, but it didn't appear to be an immediate threat. This was a nice little town otherwise.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:25 pm

Pheobie cheerfully walked down the street swinging her bag happily. It was monday which ment she gave Tuna to the cat that lived halfway down oak street. She passed a man eating ice cream but didn't pay him much mind. She crouched down by the building, mindful not to get her colorful clothes dirty. "Here, Kitty Kitty" She cooed.

When the cat walked out of the wall, she took out her can of Tuna and popped the lid. "Here you are Princess" She chirped, knowing full well the cat was a boy. She put the can in front of it and settled down to pet it while it ate.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:34 pm

Professor Maple was half-done with his cone of mint-and-chocolate chip ice cream when he noticed the cat coming out of the wall again. A girl with spiky, night-colored hair had apparently coaxed it out with food.

Why didn't I think of that? the man with gray-green eyes mused to himself, before the remains of his melted ice cream plopped onto his lap. "Ah, blast it!"

After wiping up the errant sweet with a napkin, he ate up the rest of the cone and went over to the dark-eyed young woman. The cat stopped its feeding briefly to look at him, then continued on its feast.

"Hello there, pup," he greeted. "Is this your cat?"

(OOC: "Pup" is a Maple-ism for "kid")

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:42 pm

"You can say that. I feed him, and I pet him. But I have a no pet rule at my apartment. So I manage in other ways." Pheobie smiled as she pet the cat one more time before standing up.

She dusted off her dark rose colored skirt and Rainbow striped half jacket over a black shirt. She held out her hand to shake. "Pheobie" She introduced herself. "And you are, Mr. Stranger?"

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:49 pm

"I'm Professor Maple," the lanky man answered, shaking her hand. "I specialize in studying strange things. Like this wall, for instance. Do you happen to know why our furball friend here can walk through it and not a fine fellow like myself?"

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:55 pm

"Because he's walking through a hole. Its an optical illusion. The hole leads to the nice warm, dry basement for mr kitty live in. Watch" Pheobie stated.

She bent back down and stuck her hand in the hole. "See?" She waved her hand a bit so he could see how big the hole was. "Its just big enough for him to get through"

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:09 pm

The professor knelt down beside her and felt along the wall. Soon his hand passed through the space as well, disappearing into the brick.

"I see. I just assumed the whole thing was walkthru-able," he stated. So this had nothing to do with dimension abnormality, just trickery. "But who put up this illusion? Was it you, pup?"

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:20 pm

"yup. Easy stuff. Why?" Pheobie asked. "Stump ya?" She asked, standing with a grin. "I Like helpin' things, so kitty kitty here is no different." She scrutinised Maple's appearance for a minute.

"So, you new around here? I don't think I've ever seen you before." She stated. "Want me to show you around?"

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:50 pm

(Gah, stupid non-working alert email thing. Sorry for the slight lateness. Btw, will be gone for a couple of days. Anime convention :) )

"Easy stuff, you say? Is this a local ability, or just yours?" Professor Maple replied with curiosity. "Well I'm obviously not from around here so it's new to me. Perhaps you could explain it as you show me around?"

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:23 am

(Its cool. You don't even really have to check your email. If I'm on I'll reply to it like right away. And I'm like always on.)

"Just me." Pheobie smiled. "I'd love to show you around, but I'm afraid I don't know much about what I do Just that I can" She leaned forward and ran her hand through his hair, making it turn an outrageous shade of orange. "I like making things colorful." She giggled cheerfully. "So where do you want to start?"

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:04 pm

Maple froze up for a moment. He wasn't used to being touched. In his line of work, most people who knew better avoided touching him. Taint could be contagious.

"...First, warn me when you do that," he said, before finally noticing his new hair color. "Second, I hope this is neither permanent or cancerous. Thirdly, I would like to see anyplace that's rumored to have otherworldly activity. Oh, and I would like to know where the repair shop is. My ship is busted. That's why I'm here, actually. It happened to be a good place to crash, you could say."

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:46 pm

"Sorry, I only changed the color. It won't hurt you, but I have to touch you to turn it back." Pheobie's smile turned sheepish "I can take you to the repair shop but I don't know anything about anything otherworldly" She lifted her hand by his head. "May I?"

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:20 am

"Well, unless I want to look like a punk rocker for the rest of my life, I'll have to let you touch me," Professor Maple replied with a grin, shrugging. "Though that could be a lot of fun. I always wanted to be a rock star. BUT, that's not the point. I lose my points of reference often, so bear with me. Everyone else has to."

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:44 am

Pheobie started giggling at him helplessly. "Oh my god, the only thing I got out of that entire thing was Touch me" She snorted. She doubled over laughing and clutching her sides. "You're so funny!" She laughed until she couldn't breathe.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:21 pm

"Well..." Maple began, looking away and feeling a little embarassed. "Anyway, just take me over to the shop whenever you're ready." Which might be a little while, he thought.

He heard a loud meow behind him, and nearly lost his balance as the cat leapt onto his right shoulder. It pawed curiously at his now bright-orange hair.

"Oh, you want to come along too, do you?"

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:30 pm

Pheobie caught her breath rather quickly. She reached up and ran her hand through his hair, returning it to its normal state. "There. Now you wanted to go to the repair shop." She grabbed his hand and started pulling him in the correct direction. "That's this way." She was smiling.

The cat remained on Maple's shoulder easily, as if where accustomed to this sort of event.

"Anything else you want to see after the repair shop?" Pheobie asked, without looking back at him.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:36 pm

Professor Maple tried not to trip over his own two feet as he was quickly pulled along. The cat yawned and batted at his hair lazily.

"Let's see...the park would be good," the brunette answered. "I suspect some parts of my ship might be lying around there. Though I suppose it would be a good place to relax too."

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:41 pm

"All depends on which park" Pheobie replied. "Some of the larger parks around here have piranha plants. Nasty things." She pulled him around the corner and they started up hill. "Not far now!" She chirped.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:46 pm

"Oh, so there's more than one," said Maple. "Well then, what about the one that has the huge apple tree in the middle of it? Are the local plants human-friendly there?"

He remembered that tree because he had nearly crashed into it with his ship eariler.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:52 pm

"Some of them. That park's okay because all it has are fruit trees." Pheobie stated. "There are only a few plants that aren't people-happy. There's Piranha plants, boom flowers, carnivorous mushrooms, Keese fruit trees and invisible dusk blooming choke vines. Other than that the plants are alright." She turned another corner and practically dragged him up a flight of stairs. "We're here!"

(Can you guess the video game references? ^-^ lol)

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:01 pm

(OOC: Piranha plants = Mario Bros., Keese = bat-things from Legend of Zelda. I think the boom flowers are from either Zelda or Bomberman. Don't know about either the carnivous mushrooms or the choke vines.)

"Lovely," said Maple dryly, wondering how he was supposed to watch out for vines that were invisible. While he was musing on that morbid thought he tripped on the last step of the stairs.


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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:36 pm

Pheobie had turned to present the shop when he cried out. She managed to get knocked down under him, her head bouncing off the welcome mat. "Oomf!" She grunted as brightly colored stars exploded in her vision.

The cat, who had been perched neatly on Maple's shoulder until this point, jumped to safety.

(You got two correct! Boom flowers are a reference to the bomb plants in zelda, carnivorous mushrooms are a half reference to Goombas and the invisible dusk blooming choke vines are a book reference. Yay for nerdness)

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:09 pm

(OOC: Goombas do kinda look like walking mushrooms, don't they? XD)

"Ow..." moaned Maple, pushing himself up. "You alright Pheobie?"

Then he noticed the owner of the shop come in, a man in his mid-forties covered in grease and with a slightly prominent gut. He watched the scene silently, chewing his gum.

"Why hello good sir!" greeted Maple with a grin, realizing the awkwardness of the situation. "This is not what it looks like."

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