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My Heart Is My Keep ((OPEN))

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My Heart Is My Keep ((OPEN)) Empty My Heart Is My Keep ((OPEN))

Post  beyachan Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:17 am

Name: Casius Montello
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'3”
Weight: 190#
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Color: Dark Blue
Skin Color: White
Keyblade 1: Malady (spear)
Keyblade 2: Panacea (shield)
Normal Form Outfit: Black and gold. Black turtleneck shirt with exposed midriff, detached sleeves show bare shoulders. Sleeves have gold designs and mostly cover hands, held on with gold ties. Pants are black with exposed hips, have gold designs at bottoms of legs, nearly touch ground, held together by gold metal filigree. Light gold loincloth hangs down to mid-shin, has dark gold designs on it. Boots are platforms with slight heels, solid black.
Valor Form Outfit: Sienna and gold.
Wisdom Form Outfit: Violet and gold.
Master Form Outfit: Bright gold.
Final Form Outfit: Platinum and gold.
Atlantica Outfit: Long, black tail, tapers to an arrow point. Large, triangular fins on both hips. Shirt remains the same, but sleeves are replaced with armlets. (stingray)
Halloween Outfit: Gold designs become shaped like dragons. Gains claws, teeth become sharp. Loincloth becomes a dragon tail. Boots become dragon claws.
Christmas Outfit: Outfit loses the exposed skin, gains fur at collar and top of boots. Shirt gains a furred hood.
Tron Outfit: Armor is black with gold lines. Has long, pointed antennae on the ears.
Anti Form: Black with gold eyes. Clawed hands and feet, and a long tail ending in an arrow point.
Lion Form: Black lion with a dark blue mane and a gold tail. Wears gold filigree around his neck. Carries Malady in his mouth, Panacea changes form to become a chest shield with blades sticking from either side.
Timeless Form: Lanky and slouched. Clothes lose most of their detail.
Personality: Haughty, know-it-all
History: His world, Magna Carta, was destroyed by the heartless when he was young. He wound up somehow in Traverse Town and settled in the third district, along with another refugee. He got a job in town to pay for his necessities and spent all of his free time either reading at Cid's item shop or training with his roommate to become strong enough to face the heartless and avenge the fall of their worlds.
When the heartless appeared in Traverse Town, Casius tried his best to fight them off, but failed and was run out of his district. He helped Leon and the others to hold back the Heartless in the first district, but foolishly ran back to try and recover his things. He nearly fell to a Soldier Heartless, but as it reached for his heart there was a bright flash and a Keyblade appeared in his hand. The soldier lept back in surprise, and Casius made quick work of it and managed to safely make it back to his apartment and retrieved his and his roommate's important belongings.
When he returned to the first district, Leon explained to him how the keyblade opened so many paths to him, and he set out to find a way to restore his world.

Posts : 1661
Join date : 2010-05-15
Age : 33
Location : Ohio


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