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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:52 pm

"I suppose so. A lot of people do," said Maple. "They're at good levels though, so they can fight when they want to, or need to. Ah, here we are."

It was a big red building, with acres of ranch behind it. All kinds of Pokemon roamed it premise. A Girafarig walked up to the two of them, staring at them curiously.

"What, have you never seen a Professor Maple before?" he asked.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:56 pm

Pheobie giggled. "Maple you're silly"

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:01 pm

"Raf!" replied the giraffe-like creature, whatever that reply meant, before it walked off to eat some grass. Maple was just about to enter when three 10-year-old boys suddenly burst out, each with a different colored-cap.

"Hey, it's the professor!" said the one with the yellow cap. "We were wondering if you were ever going to leave the ship."

"Ah, greetings Blakes!" Maple replied. "I was just-"

"Making out with your girlfriend?"

"I-" Maple began, before the answer fully registered and his face turned bright red. "No!"

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:08 pm

Pheobie ignored them, leaning on the fence and trying to cran her neck to see all the different new 'animals'.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:23 pm

Many of the younger Pokemon stopped by to look back, almost as if they sensed she was new here. Among them was another Umbreon, pawing up at the fence toward her.

Maple continued to banter with the three Blakes, catching up on news and a bit appalled by some of their playful accusations. Ten-year-olds were not supposed to know some of the things they mentioned. Groovy sat by Maple's feet while Adrianne slouched lazily over his shoulder.

(You choose what Pokemon Pheobie wants. She can have up to three for now)

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:40 pm

Pheobie reached down and pet the umbreon's head. "You're cute!" She chirped.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:49 pm

"Bre bre!" barked the Umbreon happily, soaking up the attention. This one was more cheerful than Adrianne.

A girl of about fifteen with long red hair came outside, talking into a headset as she jotted down notes.

"Okay, so you want buy a Growlithe and a Charmander, and you'll trade a Starmie for a Flareon?" she asked, busily jotting away. "Oh, and you want to buy a Pikachu as well? Alright, I'll put the order in and the exchange should take place shortly."

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:23 pm

Pheobie looked around and pet all the pokemon that allowed her to.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:57 pm

"Ah, Gem! How are you pup?" Maple greeted loudly, startling the redhead.

"Professor! When did you get here?" she asked, blinking.

"About five minutes ago," answered Maple. "I supposed that's not much time to prepare a welcome party. Anyway, this is...Pheobie? Where'd she go?" He looked around and found her by the fence playing with the Pokemon. "Ah, there she is. Pheobie!"

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:02 pm

Pheobie looked up with a small start. "What?" She asked innocently. "I'm staying out of trouble"

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:08 pm

"I know dear. I want to introduce you to Gemini," Maple began, gesturing to the calm redhead. "She runs this breeding and trading center. If you want any of these Pokemon for yourself, then you'll have to let her know about it."

"Hello," Gemini greeted in her usual quiet voice, nodding to Pheobie.

"Dear?" said one the Blakes behind Maple, before they all began to snicker.

"You be quiet, pups!" Maple snapped at them, face red again. This only caused them to laugh more. Gemini just shook her head.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:14 pm

Pheobie looked to Gemini and smiled. "Is it alright if I play with them?" She asked sweetly.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:44 pm

"...Foreigner?" Gemini asked Maple, pointing to Pheobie.

"Yeah," Maple replied. "Adrianne, stay with her."

The Umbreon growled and stayed on his shoulder.

"...Fine. Groovy, go stay with her."

"Vyle!" the Grovyle chirped, scampering over to Pheobie.

"Why don't you stay with her?" asked one of the Blakes.

"...Point," said Maple, going over to Pheobie. "Anyway, I know a lot of them are cute, but be careful. Do not go tickling fire-types or anything of the sort."

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:47 pm

"don't tickle. Got it." Pheobie smiled. She carefully climbed over the fence and sat so the pokemon could come up to her if they wanted to.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:11 pm

The Umbreon who she had been petting earlier came right up to her and rubbed against her legs.

"Well, looks like you've got a friend already," said Maple, leaning on the fence. He noticed a more timid Meowth trying to get attention. "Or two."

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:15 pm

Pheobie smiled and went to pet the meowth, but a brave little pichu jumped right into her lap with a happy "Chu~"

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Thu Oct 21, 2010 12:02 am

The Meowth gave a mew of surprise and went to hide behind Groovy. The plant lizard turned to it with a look of surprise. Usually he was the one who hid behind behind others.

The Umbreon wanted to be in Pheobie's lap too and quickly jumped up.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Oct 21, 2010 12:05 am

Pheobie giggled "Maple, what's the yellow one called?" She asked, looking at him over her shoulder

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Thu Oct 21, 2010 12:13 am

"That's a Pichu," explained Maple. "It's an Electric-type. Hyper little things."

A Vulpix wandered off, giving Pheobie a curious stare. "Vul?"

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Oct 21, 2010 12:17 am

A few feet away, A charmander curiously peaked out from behind a tree, too shy to get any closer, but too curious to stay hidden.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Thu Oct 21, 2010 12:27 am

The Umbreon batted at the Pichu playfully. The Pichu didn't like this and scurried up Pheobie's shoulder, sticking its tongue at the Umbreon.

"Vul?" called the Vulpix, coming forward cautiously. "Vul Vul?"

The Umbreon noticed the Vulpix. "Bre! Umbre Umbreon!"

"Pix Vul?"

"Bre Bre!" Apparently they knew each other.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Oct 21, 2010 12:33 am

Pheobie smiled and held her hand out in a gesture of peace to the vulpix. She was positively tickled that all the pokemon were gathering around her.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:08 am

The Vulpix came up and sniffed her hand. It laid down at her feet, while the Umbreon lazily pawed at the fox from her lap. The Pichu watched from its perch on her shoulder, and then called out to the Charmander peeking nearby. The tiny fire lizard yelped and ducked back a little, before peering back again a little more visibly.

Maple watched the sight contentedly, before he felt something nudge his foot. He looked down to see a Phanpy. The little elephant saw him looking and then hid behind his leg.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:12 am

"They're all so nice and cute and friendly" Pheobie smiled.

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Some Things Just Can't Be Understood - Page 33 Empty Re: Some Things Just Can't Be Understood

Post  Nightbreak Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:38 am

"It makes it hard to choose, eh?" commented Maple, playfully stepping over the shy Phanpy. The little elephant, upon realizing its exposure, hid behind Maple leg again. Adrianne watched it with amusement. "You can only have six Pokemon with your at a time. Any others you get go into storage. I don't know if you can handle a full team though. I can barely handle one-third of a team."

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