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For My Love

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For My Love Empty For My Love

Post  beyachan Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:34 am

Name: Lafayette Ezekiel Pleasant
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4.5"
Weight: 140#
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Color: Light Tan
Other: Lafayette has a very visible scar across the bridge of his nose, which he received during a fight with his father when he was a teenager. He's very independent and sure of himself because he had adult responsibilities thrust upon him at a very young age. His parents were very upset when he told them at age 14 that he was gay, and he spent most of the time between then and when they forced him to leave and get his own apartment at 16 grounded. He graduated from high school early because he took online classes and worked especially hard. He wanted to be able to get a good job as soon as possible so that he could pay his rent and stop having to live hand to mouth. He works in a bookstore, but most of his money comes from royalties from several books of poetry that he's had published. Lafayette is also a very passionate Wiccan. He's rarely seen without either his protective Pentacle necklace or a triquetra.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:05 am

Name: Lyric Wilfred Lucian
Age: 300
Gender: Male
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 250#
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Black
Skin Color: Native American brown/ light brown
Other: Werewolf. He works at a pet store part time when he isn't running around on the nature preserve with his pack. He isn't the Alpha, rather the Beta (The Alpha of his pack is a female). He always knew he was gay, since the first time he came of age for the mating ritual of his clan, back when he was still in his early teens. He has had four human mates, none of which stayed with him upon learning of his 'affinities'. He has a very dominating personality and isn't afraid to rough people up if they mess with him.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:15 am

Lyric sat in the small faggy cafe, waiting for his Alpha to show. He hated when she picked public places like this to meet. Lyric always felt so much more comfortable in wide open spaces, with the feel of dirt under his bare feet. But that was all part of being Native American, no?

He brushed his shoulder length black hair behind his ear. It had been a while since his last haircut and his hair was getting long. Soon he would have to pull it back.

He gave a small snarl as two hot teenage girls started to approach him. They immediately scampered off.

He definitely stood out with his tattered blue jeans and ripped tee shirt.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:41 am

Lafayette was sitting on the opposite side of the cafe. He'd been trying not to stare to obviously at the intensely sexy man on the other side of the room. He was simply too hot for words. That long hair, those pretty eyes, and all those muscles. He made a soft choked noise as he stifled a laugh. I sound like a preteen girl!

But even still, he was really hot. Probably straight, but really hot. ....It was worth a shot.

Lafe pulled a pad of soft grey paper (100% post-consumer product) out of his black messenger bag, as well as a pen. He wanted to use his nice calligraphy pen for this one. He turned back the faux leather cover of the notebook and chewed his lip contemplatively. After a moment of thought, he scrawled something onto the page in an elegant, flowy script and signed it with his full name, Lafayette Ezekiel Pleasant.

He went up to the front counter of the cafe and called over the barrista. He paid her for a cup of coffee, tipped her heavily, and slipped her the sheet of paper inconspicuously. After he'd gone back to his seat, the barrista straightened out her wrinkled apron, grabbed a cup of coffee and the message, and took them over to Lyric's table. "Excuse me, sir," she began, "That guy over there bought you a cup of coffee, and he wanted me to give you this." She sat both items down on the table in front of him and went back to the counter.

The note was sitting face-up on the table beside the coffee cup, the still-damp ink slightly shiny and standing out in stark contrast to the matte, mottled grey of the paper.
Seen from across the room,
My, such a beautiful man.
Have coffee sometime?

Lafe stared at the dregs in the bottom of his coffee cup, trying not to look as thoroughly embarrassed as he really was. Lady Tyche, I call upon you to grant me some of your luck in this endeavor... he thought, praying silently to a Goddess of luck.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:55 am

Lyric raised a brow at the poem. He pulled a pen out of his pocket and flipped the sheet over. Before he could write anything his Alpha decided to join him at the table. "You're late." He stated, pausing with the pen hovering over the paper.

"So what? At least I showed up." She snapped. "I always show when I call a meeting with you." She raised a brow at the paper. "What's that?" She asked.

"Brunette. Corner. By the fire exit." Lyric replied, his pen finally scawling 'I only date men with enough balls to come up and talk to me themselves' in his messy hand. The paper was then folded into a paper airplane and sent flying to Lafayette with the poor boy none the wiser.

"Hm. Doesn't seem like your type." The Alpha commented rudely.

Lyric slid the coffee purchased for him across the table to her. "Drink. God knows I don't need caffeine." He stated coolly.

The Alpha smirked and they began to discuss important clan matters with no one the wiser.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:11 am

Lafayette jumped when the paper airplane hit him in the head, causing it to fall on the floor and go skidding under the table. "D'oh!" he exclaimed poutily, getting up to retrieve it. He stood there beside the table staring at the note for a moment, scowling at the page. Slowly a smile spread across his face as he hatched a plan.

He tore the unmarked bottom of the page off, hastily wrote something on it, and stuck the rest of his writing supplies back in his bag. It was time for him to leave anyway, because he had to be at work soon, so this was perfect timing. He slung his bag over his shoulder, took a deep breath, and walked to Lyric's table. He placed the scrap of paper, which had his cell phone number on it, on the corner of the table and looked very seriously at the current object of his affection. Very quickly doing a mental ritual to cleanse his mind of negative thoughts, he composed himself, and he began to speak.

"Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove: Oh no! It is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken; it is the star to every wandering bark, whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks within his bending sickle's compass come: love alters not within his brief hours and weeks, but bears it out to even the edge of doom. If this be error upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved." Lafayette took a deep breath and smiled. "Shakespeare. Sonnet 116." And with that he walked out of the cafe and headed down the street to go to work.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:20 am

When Lafayette left both werewolves stared after him.

"...Dayum. That boy is a mother fucking Flamer" The alpha stated.

"That was probably the single most ballsy move I have ever seen a cutie like him do" Lyric smirked.

"You're a fag."

"So says the bitch that had us meet here"


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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:03 am


Lafayette sat out on the concrete patio behind the small house he shared with his roommate, and fellow coven member Elijah Leander. He checked his cell phone one last time and sighed heavily when he saw that he still didn't have a new call or text message. He was severely dis appointed, but he had more important things to focus on at that particular moment. Their coven priestess was very sick and in the hospital, and he was going to have to miss the full moon ritual that was going to be that weekend because of work, so he'd decided to do a small ritual of his own to pray for her full recovery. He set his phone aside and set to braiding a rope of herbs to burn for his ritual.

His braid had white sage to drive away evil, althaea to attract good spirits and offer soothing energies, strands of angelica root to empower the coven priestess' spirit, and some bearberry leaves because, along with the white sage, it was a traditional herb used by the Native Americans in their rituals and ceremonies and it was supposed to increase spiritual power. His encounter with the beautiful Native American man that morning had inspired him to call to the Native American spirits for help with his circle casting that night. The Priestess thought that it was good for them to call upon different deities in their rituals.

He placed his candles at the appropriate places around the circle, lit the end of his rope on fire, and then quickly tamped it out so that it was only smoldering. He walked slowly around the circumference of his circle and the braid of herbs left a trail of sweetly fragrant smoke behind him. When he felt that the area was sufficiently cleansed, he sat the braid aside and bent to light his first candle.

"From the East I call Air into my circle, and with it I call Raven, the Trickster. Lure the sickness from our Priestess' body and confuse so that it may never return." He moved to the next candle.

"From the South I call Fire into my circle, and with it I call Hino, of the Iroquois. With your flaming arrows may you burn out the evil that lurks within our Priestess' body and keeps her from us."

"From the West I call Water into my circle, and with it I call Wachabe, of the Sioux. Guard our Priestess and give her strength, courage, and long life."

"From the North I call Earth into my circle, and with it I call Atira, of the Pawnee. Earth Mother, keep our Priestess safe within your bosom and nurture her to a speedy recovery." He moved to the final candle in the middle of the circle.

"Finally, I call Spirit into my circle, and with it I call Aagaya Gigagei, of the Cherokee. Lady, heal our Priestess of her illness so that she may return to us."

He took a final deep breath and ended his ritual. "Elements, I release you. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!"

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:13 am

A pair of eyes glowed from the light coming from the house. They were just at the edge of the patio, and if you looked hard enough, you could see the outline of a large dog-like creature.

Lyric had decided it would be easier to tell what kind of person Lafayette was if he followed him. It was a good idea. It amused him to no end that the boy was Wiccan, even more so that he had just called upon the Native American gods.

If Lyric had contained himself in public after the boy made a gutsy move, he was hard pressed to do the same now. After hearing the boy chant to the gods like that with such emotion and hope made him want to throw him down, wolf or not.

He panted lightly, giving away his presence in the dark.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:18 am

Lafayette's head instantly snapped in the direction the noise came from. "Who's there?" he called warily. He reached for the red candle representing fire at his feet, fully prepared to call on a Fire god to protect him if he were in any danger.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:30 am

Lyric clambered to his feet with canine grunt. He stepped closer and sat on the very edge of the light.

His fur was black, like his hair, but it was shorter and neatly groomed almost like a dog. What set him apart form a dog, however, was his size. He was the size of a fully grown great dane.

He cocked his head At Lafayette, his tongue lolling out of his mouth.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:41 am

Lafayette drew in a sharp breath, not in fear, but in awe. "Oh...!" he gasped softly. He could tell by the animal's appearance and behavior that it was no normal wolf. Somehow he knew he wasn't in any danger; as a matter of fact, he took a tentative step forward to get a better look. When the wolf didn't react he approached slowly.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:52 am

Yep. Lyric's first impression was correct. Lafayette was Ballsy... Or stupid. But Lyric was leaning with Ballsy for the time being.

His tail wagged slowly and he watched Lafayette with great interest. He was glad it was dark, otherwise the man would see his canine erection.

... Sometimes Lyric thought his human form was more suited to his whiles. Now was one of those times. At least if he was human his pants would hide his hard on.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:57 am

Very slowly, Lafayette reached out to touch the wolf's fur. He was so floored by the whole experience that he could hardly breath, and her was trembling with excitement. Somehow, through the tightness in his throat, he managed to whisper something that the Priestess had told him about wolves. "....The wolf is neither man's competitor nor his enemy... He is a fellow creature with whom the earth must be shared."

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:03 am

Oh. That was it. This boy was getting a cock up his ass whether he wanted it or not.

Lyric gently took Lafayette's wrist in his jaws and gave a soft tug towards to woods. He released him and stood, heading towards the woods himself, before stopping and waiting for him. He cocked his head questioningly, obviously wanting him to follow.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:08 am

Lafayette was taken by surprise, but he followed nonetheless. He couldn't keep his eyes off of the beautiful creature, and if it wanted him to go somewhere, he sure as hell wasn't going to refuse. He hesitantly stroked the wolf's back as he followed. "Where are you taking me, sir Wahya?"

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:16 am

Lyric led him just far enough out into the woods that he wouldn't have to worry about being interrupted. He turned toward Lafayette with a wolfish grin. He stood on his hind legs and moved forward, moving closer to Lafayette until his back was to a tree and Lyric was in front of him. Finally, Lyric stood in front of him, his transformation back to a human complete.

He was, of course, stark naked, but he didn't care in the slightest.

He closed the distance between them and kissed Lafayette roughly on the lips, forcing them apart to allow his tongue entry.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:20 am


Lafayette was taken totally by surprise. He could feel the rough bark of the tree through the back of his shirt, and the area was pervaded by a musky, earthy smell. A thousand thoughts were whirling through his head at once, but foremost among them were these: This guy is a werewolf, and he looks like that guy from the coffee shop this morning. He was a little overwhelmed by the impossibility of it all, but he knew in his heart that it really wasn't impossible at all. He was a witch, and he communed with the elements on a regular basis, so none of this was outside of his beliefs. It was just so much to take in at once.

The werewolf's rich, earthy scent, the heat from his body, and the fierceness of his kisses lulled Lafayette into a state of blissful detachment. He wrapped his arms around the larger (much, much larger) man's neck and leaned his head back against the solid trunk of the tree, letting him do as he pleased.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:28 am

Lyric kissed down Lafayette's jaw to his neck, where he bit the tender skin under his ear. He sucked and licked the spot, making sure to leave an obvious mark.

He always made sure to mark his territory.

His hands slid impatiently to the bottom of Lafayette's shirt, which he promptly tugged up over his head, having a little trouble with the arms wrapped around his neck. "Boy, I am going to fuck you so hard~" Lyric growled lustfully, his hard erection pushing against Lafayette's crotch.

Last edited by SPAZZ911 on Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:44 am; edited 1 time in total

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:42 am

Lafayette tilted his head back further to expose more of his neck, not minding the rather unpleasant scratchiness of the bark against his scalp. He didn't know just what it was about the man, but somehow he was driving Lafayette out of his mind. Somewhere in the back of his clouded mind he thought that maybe it had something to do with that clean, earthy, natural scent that the werewolf radiated, but he really wasn't sure. What he was sure about was that he wanted this man to follow through on his promises. He wanted him to fuck his brains out, and he had no idea why. He wasn't the type of guy to have sex with someone he hardly knew; he didn't even fuck on the first date. But damn it if he didn't want this man so badly he could hardly stand it.

When he felt his (yes, his) werewolf press against him like that, he involuntarily arched into his touch and made a noise that was somewhere between a gasp and a moan. "Ah...!"

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:52 am

Lyric growled deep in his throat. It was a sexy, possessive sound. His hands found the waistband of Lafayette's jeans and he pulled them open, allowing the denim to fall to the ground. He tugged his undergarments off as well before hoisting him up by his thighs and pressing him between the tree and his chest.

He stuck a finger in his mouth and coated it liberally with his saliva before sliding it in Lafayette's puckered opening. The little noises the boy was making was driving him nuts, but he had to wait until he was properly prepped, otherwise he could severely hurt him, which was something he did not want to do.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:05 am

Lafayette's breath caught in his throat at the sound of his werewolf's growl. It was deep and rich and sexy; and it made him want. He had never wanted anything as badly as he wanted that man. No, that wasn't right at all. He 'wanted' a slice of cake, he 'wanted' to get along with his roommate; he needed that man.

The rough bark of the tree scraped his back when the werewolf lifted him up and normally he would have cried out in pain, but his body was so full of other, much stronger sensations that he hardly even felt it. He was making little involuntarily sexy noises, but he was only barely aware of that; his mind was fixated on the man in front of him, on drinking in his every detail. When he felt the man's finger slide inside of him, he arched back against the tree, digging the bark further into the flesh and likely drawing blood, but he didn't care.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:15 am

Lyric growled again. He thrust his finger inside of Lafayette, trying to prepare him. The finger was soon joined by a second as Lyric stretched the boy's opening. Impatience getting the best of him, he removed his fingers and held onto Lafayette's hips. He held him steady as he pressed the tip of his hot, throbbing cock to his ass. He thrust once, all the way in, and waited for Lafayette to adjust.

He was tempted to just keep going, he was so hot and tight and wonderful, but logic and reasoning were overpowering his animal instincts.

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:26 am

Lafayette arched and cried out when the werewolf thrust into him. He was so big, and so thick; and it just felt so damn good! He squirmed slightly, trying to adjust to the sensation, and moaned loudly with every motion. He grabbed hold of the man's shoulders and looked pleadingly into his eyes.

"Please... Please," he whispered needfully. "I want it..."

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For My Love Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:32 am

Lyric smirked. He ducked his head to bite back at the mark he had made just a few minutes prior. Slowly, to set up a good pace, He started thrusting. He would only pull about halfway out before thrusting back in again, and his pace slowly increased.

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