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For My Love

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:04 am

Lyric laid down by the door so that Lafayette could get off. He was a little too tall and the poet was probably a little too sore to slide off. He probably should have been more gentle, but in the heat of the moment, neither of them had seemed to really care.

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:11 am

Lafayette got down from the wolf's back carefully and opened the door. He peeked around the room before entering, relieved that his housemate was nowhere to be seen. It was still early in the morning, so he was probably still asleep, thank goodness. He gestured for Lyric to follow and headed down the hall to his room.

Lafayette's bedroom was painted a soft, earthy brown with forest green trim, and the floor was hardwood. They only rented the place, but their landlord was a wiccan too, so he understood that it was important for one's room to be somewhere you could center yourself. Lafe had always felt most at home in the forest, so he'd painted his room to be reminiscent of it; it made it easier to meditate in there.

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:14 am

Lyric followed, less than careful. His claws clicked loudly on the hardwood floor, almost seeming to echo before he jumped up on the bed. He stretched, parting his jaws in a noisy canine yawn before reverting back to his human form. He smirked at Lafayette. "Good morning."

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:19 am

Lafayette stretched out on the bed beside Lyric and put his arms around the man's chest as though he did this every day. He couldn't explain it but he felt extremely relaxed around Lyric, when a normal person would have run in fear as soon as they saw his wolf form. It was kind of sad, really, that most people would reject him right away, just because what he was didn't fit into their worldview. The thought made him snuggle even closer to his lover, as though he needed to reassure the man that he wasn't going anywhere.

"So... You're a werewolf. That's pretty cool," he said lamely.

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:25 am

"Eh. We're fluffy and make good beds." Lyric replied. "That's about all there is to it."

He rolled onto his back, taking Lafayette with him so that the smaller man ended up perched on top of him again. "What about you, Wiccan boy?" He chuckled. "Isn't that 'pretty cool'?" He teased lightly.

He was unbelievably pleased that his poet was taking his lupine 'affinities' so well. You could even go so far as to say that it excited him. He reached a hand up and lightly traced the dark hicky on Lafayette's neck.

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:29 am

A surprised little giggle escaped Lafayette's lips before he could suppress it. "Yeah. Being Wiccan is pretty cool. Not as cool as werewolves though."

He glanced over at the mirror for a second and noticed the large bruise on the side of his neck. He turned an ungodly shade of pink when he realized he'd have to go into work like that. Oh Goddess, he would never hear the end of it. He was going to have to take Lyric to work with him and get it over with, or the guys at work would heckle him about his boyfriend until the end of time.

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:40 am

Lyric smirked at the color change. "Something the matter?" He purred sweetly.

His hand slid down Lafayette's side to his hip, where his thumb started rubbing the sensitive skin on the bend of his thigh. "Hmm?"

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:43 am

"N-no... Nothing's wrong."

Lafayette turned an even brighter shade of pink. He shifted his weight as Lyric began to tease him.
"Lyriiiiiiiic!" he whined, "that isn't fair!"

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:47 am

"What isn't fair?" Lyric feigned innocence "I thought you said nothing was the matter."

His hand slid to Lafayette's thigh so that he could tease the soft inner skin. His other hand found its way to his other hip and he began to tease that as well.

"Is something the matter or not?"

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:58 am

Lafayette whined again, "You're teasing me!" He shifted a bit, unable to be still when Lyric was touching him like that, and winced in pain. "And I'm still sore, you know."

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:01 am

Lyric stopped immediately. "Sorry." He mumbled, sitting up carefully.

He pulled the poet against his chest in a gentle hug. "Sometimes I forget how fragile humans are."

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:10 am

Lafe immediately relaxed into his embrace. "'m not fragile..." he mumbled, pressing his face against Lyric's strong chest and closing his eyes. Well, he thought to himself, maybe I am fragile, compared to him. I bet there's not much that can hurt a werewolf.

"Hey, Lyric? Do you care if I ask you some stuff? Like, about you and werewolves in general? I don't really know much about them."

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:13 am

Lyric shrugged with a grunt, the deep noise reverberating in his chest. "Shoot. I'll answer the best I can." He replied. He gently rubbed Lafayette's back with one of his large hands. "Though that isn't saying much"

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:16 am

Lafayette immediately launched into a tirade of questions.

"Does silver really hurt you? Are you effected by the full moon? Do you really live in packs? Do you have a pack? What's your family like? Are they werewolves too? Are you born a werewolf, or do you become one?"

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:20 am

Lyric answered just as quickly as the questions were asked.

"No. No. Yes. Yes. Crazy. Yes. Born."

At Lafayette's seemingly disappointed look, be blinked "What? Do you want me to elaborate?"

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:25 am

"Well, yeah," he said. "I'm really curious about you, about your pack, about werewolves. It's all so interesting!" He smiled and gave Lyric a kiss on the cheek. "I'll recite you a poem if you tell me about yourself."

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:32 am

"Alright. Well the first two you asked were myths. There really isn't any truth to them. Like normal wolves we do live in packs, though that's mostly because being a werewolf is a genetic trait passed down through families. My pack is made up of a bunch of families from my tribe. That's all you need to know about them besides the fact they're all nuts." Lyric explained.


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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:41 am

"Lilt me your lips, our lost breath intermingling. Synchronize our silence as lazy hours ease by. Waft cocoa, hazelnut, cinnamon, scents around me. Tremble with me in paralyzing pauses. I may no longer breathe without breathing you," Lafayette recited, keeping his word. He let his head loll lazily to the side to glance at the clock. It was still early. "Mmm, hey. Wanna go somewhere and get breakfast?"

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:46 am

"Mmm. I think I have all the breakfast I need right here." Lyric purred, dipping his head to nip lightly at the unbruised side of Lafayette's neck. "And it tastes so good too~"

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:50 am

Lafayette giggled and halfheartedly tried to push Lyric away. Ugh, how can one person be so damned sexy? he wondered, tangling his lingers in Lyric's hair. "I appreciate the sentiment, sweetheart, but one of us had a rough night last night and needs to refuel before he can go another round," he said, his stomach growling right on cue.

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:56 am

Lyric chuckled lightly in his ear. "Well then. Get dressed and I'll let you follow me home~" He purred. He would take him back to the reservation for a good old home cooked meal and get himself clothes at the same time. Damn he was smart.

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:02 am

Lafayette smiled at his lover, threading his fingers through the larger man's soft hair. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Lyric. So I get to meet your family? Do you think they'll like me?" he asked, his smile wavering a bit with worry. What would a reservation full of werewolves think of a scrawny little human boy dating one of their own? He could very well be run right off the land for daring even to try.

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:04 am

"Eh. They like anyone who isn't allergic to dogs." Lyric shrugged. "Don't worry about it."

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  beyachan Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:12 am

"I am worried though," he admitted. "I'm just a human. You don't think they'd be against me dating you? I must seem so weak and useless in comparison; I can't imagine them accepting me, just like that." He sighed heavily and rolled himself into a sitting position on the bed. He stretched, wincing again at the pain in his back and hips. That's going to hurt for a few days, he thought to himself. Maybe longer if Lyric decides he wants to go another round before I'm all healed. Guess I'll just have to get used to it. He laughed aloud at the thought. Thinking about it, this all seemed rather silly. He'd only just met the man, and they were already having sex. He was already getting to meet Lyric's family. And he was thinking like it was going to be this way forever. I certainly hope it is.

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For My Love - Page 3 Empty Re: For My Love

Post  SPAZZ911 Sat Oct 02, 2010 3:13 am

"Eh. You've already made it farther than my last boyfriend." Lyric shrugged. "We marry or date humans all the time. Its no big deal anymore."

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